How about a Friday night before Lionel Customer Service Annual Open House ???
Alan Arnold, leavingtracks & also OGR Ad man, and I are going to be driving into Canfield,Ohio for this great event. He is from Arkansas and I am from Missouri. We will need to eat someplace on that Friday night before this event. I would propose that the OGR forumites that are going to Ohio get together at some local restaurant that Friday night to meet new forum members and also catch up with old friends. This is the first time that both Alan and I have been to this event and we would like to meet others that will be there also on Friday night.
Let us know what you all might think of this idea.....or do you all already meet up someplace like you do at York with your "Thursday night at Fridays" ??
I am editing this post this morning for anyone that has not read this thread. The following is what I posted on Monday 8/5/13
I contacted StoneBridge Grille there in Canfield, OH and I have reserved a place for 10 of us to meet Friday night, the 16th of this month at 7 pm. Right now, there is only two of us meeting, Alan Arnold and me.
Please contact me if you want to join us on Friday night before the Lionel Customer Service Open House. I can add more folks as we get more reservations, but I just started with 10 to start with.
So please either contact me here or thru my e-mail that is listed in my profile. I will need a head count.