Hello Trainmen! Who knows what the future holds ,but it looks like the "BIG 2"(Lionel and MTH) are not worried about it that much.As the price of all other electronic products eventually comes down, it doesn't appear to be true for train related components. I was a conventional holdout until last year,and I have to admit the "new" trains are way cool.
But they have been out now 20 years, and really not much innovation except the smoking whistle on ONLY the top shelf trains get those features.And only the truest of the true train enthusiasts are willing to do the Built to Order thing.No investment in new tooling,No new "way out" accessories ,besides the smoke fluid loader, in this digital age,I figured we would see MOVEMENT and NEW product development ,it almost seems like MTH and Lionel are just willing to ride it out.
Even if I was blind,I could see that my target audience is waiting .And none of us are getting any younger.If you are ,send me some of that stuff you got!!!!(LOL)
We're the guys that got train sets for Christmas,these kids get x boxes and playstations,and no matter how hard they try,I don't see the youngsters asking for trains for Christmas!! Of course, there are exceptions to that statement ,I have met a HANDFULL of kids who are really into the hobby, but mostly because someone in their family is a train nut.
If I owned a train business,I'd read the writing on the wall, and would be CATERING to the guys who are still here, very much alive, with more disposable income than they ever had, by making product they couldn't help but run out to buy it!!!! I'd be making sure that we all couldn't live without it, like our TIU's and Legacy systems.
A lot of train purchases are IMPULSE buying ,and the Built To Order marketing model may help them from not having some overstock, they really don't have a clue as to how much money they are really losing out on, as several guys have stated on this tread already. Give us something we want, something that captures our limited attention, rather than try to PUSH some wireless system and iPhone controller that we never really asked for.
I'm on that **** phone more than I want to be, when I hit the trains,I wanna be as far away from that phone as I can get. Somebody's always calling, messaging , or getting an ALERT 24/7. I don't hear anybody saying,Man,I gotta go out and run my train on a phone!!! In fact ,what I see is guys grabbing their remotes and clutching them tighter than ever before!!!!
Everyone's talking about tech.What are they doing with it that wasn't being done say,14 years ago????Sure,there's more memory now in the Proto3,0 boards now, but the processor business made that happen, not the train makers.
I ,more than anyone WISH they would BOTH WAKE UP and smell the coffee.
After us, there are not millions of train fanatics anymore.How many people have seen folks pass on, and the Kids want NOTHING to do with DAD;s train collection.Or how many of you have helped a widow try and get some kind of fair value out of her husband's great collection??I have witnessed both of these things personally.
So,I guess we just enjoy what we have, buy more upgrade kits and keep doing what we've been doing.
It's great and a heck of a lot of fun, but it could be, and should be the most fun we've ever had.A kind of "THANK YOU"for making us both incredibly wealthy, beyond my wildest imagination.
There is no excuse for a $1,200 train to take a dump fresh out of the box.I hear it on here almost everyday.
Why are all the repairmen so busy???People are going out and buying OLD stuff with a better build, and having them upgraded. Beats buying a new one that may.may not run when you get it home.
The animation of the accessories is not much better than the postwar days, just quieter.They could do so much more.They have in the past.
You gotta keep hittin' them, while the iron is hot.If you are in a band, and you make a hit record, you don't wait ten years to release your newest tune.you get it out there while they are still listening to the first one,so they buy the second one as well.You tour.You SHOW your fans you LOVE them, and appreciate their time and money.(just an example from a old, washed up Musician!!)
So much time has passed now, it just might be too late to innovate, because the iron is lukewarm .at best!!!
I thought by now they would both be blowing our minds with this "TECH",and charging the pants off us for it.We've bought it before, why wouldn't we now?
But like the rest of you,I can dream,I can hope. I can run my #2353's and still have a blast!!!I can run my MTH and Legacy stuff and have a Blast!!!I can use my Imagination,and this is the one driving force they both lack right now.Imagination and Motivation.
We have lived through witnessing the greatest train maker in toy train history.Maybe he's worked so hard to get it where it is, he's just tired.
But why slow down now, when you've got CUSTOMERS who want product?
And Lionel is just a corporate entity, with Mike Reagan Gone,there went the talent and genius out the door.You can't go out and just "Hire A GUY" anything close to him.
But I know we are all looking for a 'new Kick",but the only thing getting kicked right now is our behinds.
I don't mean to sound Negative,I'm busy today restoring a 636W,and gonna put a different paint scheme on its I can get my "Kick" outta that.
I'm just calling BOTH of the companies out.Lower the prices a little.Put some of our money into product development and research, instead of your bank accounts,and BILLionaire Lifestyles.
If you did, your bank accounts would be bigger than they ever were. I am waiting to hit the button. let the fun begin.I know I'm gonna get decked for this.Oh well..........................