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Hi Joe, make myself tired doin it . weathers to be good tomorrow but I'm takin a day off to take my eldest grand daughter and her pal down to the Scottish borders. Takin them to see the A4 4-6-2 pacific steam locomotive "Union of South Africa" on the newly re-instated border railway. The line used to run from Edinburgh to Carlisle in Northern England but was closed and demolished in 1969. 30 odd miles of it have been newly re-instated and its hoped that it will be extended back to Carlisle in future. Steam specials have a been a feature since it re-opened in September. Two locomotives ,the newly built pacific"Tornado"and the A4 60009 "Union of South Africa"have been hauling the trains. I remember 60009 from my childhood when it was in regular service on trains between Glasgow and Aberdeen. So it will be nostalgic to see her in action again.



Last edited by Davy Mac

Hi Guys, well had a day away from the garden , took my eldest grandaughter and her pal to the newly re-opened borders railway between Edinburgh and Tweedbank.We missed seeing the train on the outward steam hauled run from Edinburgh but caught her with the diesel hauling on the return trip. There are no turntables or Y tracks on the line so its steam out and diesel back. Video attached of the train passing thru Galashiels ,diesel class 67 at the head and 60009 steamer on the tail.




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Hi Guys, well not much in the way of rail progress to show right now as I'm back demolishing and rebuilding. Just demolished the bulk of the old central trackbed formation and have pushed on with the back retaining along the fence on the right hand side of the garden. Was originally goin to do this part with a timber base attached to the fence but decided to keep the stonework theme all the way. Rough lookin block work I know but its all built using reclaimed block .Still does the job and will not be seen once the jobs finished. Weather still holding thought the forecast for tomorrow isn't lookin good . Ah well, upwards and onwards as and when





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Hi Guys, well after a long break due to rotten wet weaher, frost,snow etc., things have been on "ice" since the back end of 2015. Still cold with frosts at night but at least a bit of dry weather again.So, the garden project starts again in 2016. A couple of weeks back I got some stone from an old wall that was being demolished.Wee bit of history with these stones. The topping stones from this wall at one time had railings atop the wall,However like many such walls across the UK,they had the railings removed during the war 1939/1945 ,metal needed for the war effort. In one of these pictures you can see where the legs of the railings were at one time embedded in the stone. Recently got a couple of dry mild days so I got a wee bit done usin these. Don't half cover some ground with these beasties laid on their sides. Have now started the stonework up the right side of the gatrdenDSCN4302DSCN4303DSCN4304DSCN4305DSCN4302DSCN4302 next to my neighbours.


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Hi George, yip, that former patio area will be a pond shortly . That sump-hole is for the pump,....lowest point in the pond. Will also serve as a bolt hole for the fish if Mr Heron or MrCat show up lookin for a fish meal.  I'll be workin on this area for the next few days. Lot of work still to go before its complete . Will get lined with thick wet newspaper,then the butyl pond liner's next. Then more cement and stone work to dress it, water plants etc., ...anyway watch this space George !!


Hi Guys, weather ain't been great ,holdin things back but got a bit done yesterday and a few days ago.  Got armoured cabling laid and an external plug box installed for power supply to the pond. Laid this along the route of the path next to the new pond area. Also got the brick lip laid along the pond edge. Hardcore laid over the armoured cabling. Once the pond liner is in situ ,paving slabs will be laid on top of this formation.DSCN4345DSCN4350


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Also got the central flower bed stonework and top patio pushed on a bit. Ditto the right hand walling for the track bed and also got another patio made a start to at the bottom R/H side of the garden in what used t be the old clothes drying area. Rain has yet again stopped play...still... gettin there slow but sure !! DSCN4344DSCN4351DSCN4349 


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Hi Guys, well,the Scottish weather pretty much behaved itself today so I got a good shift in. Beginnin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whole load of the old patio base broken up and removed to the rear and the area cleared for the shrub/flower bed which will divide the garden approximately central. Bit more path-slabbing done too. Ah,well,will let the pictures do the talking. The over-all eventual shape of things now becoming a bit clearer in these pics.DSCN4352DSCN4353DSCN4354


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Very nice garden railroad. Having been a mason since thirteen, I can appreciate the work you're doing. I have been contemplating a garden RR for some time, and your work has inspired me to get started. I currently have an outdoor covered suspended layout under the patio attached to my work shop,which I will remove the track from to begin a layout in small section of the yard. I do have room for expansion, and a ten by twelve foot oval pond I'd like to cross at some future point in time. I won't be getting started this weekend though, as we are expecting up to six inches of snow on Saturday.

Pond 08 10 14 001





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