The Aristo "revolution" is now being sold again....
"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.
Post your non-O scale stuff here!
Summerdale Junction posted:Hi Davy , Your garden is looking fantastic . And you do make to look easy , although we all know that is not .
Just out of curiosity , did you make a sketch of your work before you started , or is this masterpiece from all in your head ?
Can not wait to see the trains going around on the track .
Hi Jim, its gettin there, don't work to a sketch at all, I form the basic idea in my head so I always know roughly where everything is heading ,however sometimes once a project is in progress some ideas for modifications /additions will present themselves.Like for example the waterfalls in the pond,I was only intendeing to do one originally, then when I laid the stones saw an opportunity for two,then three and finally ended up with four ... the O gauge section I know I want a double track mainline all the way round the circuit but what sidings there'll be ,how many and where I'll decide when I get things pushed on a bit... but no,nothing goes down on paper...all in my head !!
Greg Elmassian posted:The Aristo "revolution" is now being sold again....
Have already invested in the ROCO Z21 digital control system
Looks like a lot of work Davy, Cant wait to see what you get done!
I can't wait for the video of Davy sitting in the yard with a beer in his hand watching the trains roll by.
I want to see him in the "wee hut"...
Hi Guys, lovely day here,gettin on good, ,the wee corner is almost done,thought I'd take a couple of pics to let you see the construction method. You can see the broken paving slabs cemented together to form the support for the ornamental rocks. Once I've finished the side stonework,the trough thats formed will be filled with a compost/rough sand mix,planted then screed with gold pea gravel as per the rest of the garden. Running out of the right kinda stones so a trip to the river is on the card this evening !!. As for sittin with a beer Joe, ye missed it ! ...,was sittin in the sun takin a break a wee while ago drinkin a cold budweiser !!
Cold Budweiser.........I said a beer not swamp water.
Davy, The rock work looks wonderful! To each there own on what beer they drink, as for me its COORS! LOL
NJCJOE posted:Cold Budweiser.........I said a beer not swamp water.
well it was all there was in the house Joe so it was better than nuthin lol .
Mornin guys, never made it to the river last night but did this mornin, 1st picture shows the haul , 2nd picture is my German Piko BR64 tank checking clearances in the "cutting" . Just wonderin how the digital sound unit will sound down in that section once its running,wonder if the stone either side will make a natural amplifier ??? ,oh well we'll see. Last picture shows the rear of the tank engine and the O gauge track base up top... oh well.... gettin there !!
Nice work there Dave! Sure is close on the sides, I sure hope there is wiggle room for when its moving! I hope you didn't have to carry all the river rock, I would think with all that rock you would have a cart or something, Keep up the great work!
Whistles in the valley should sound nice. You won't see it in there from the seating area, but you sure will hear it.
Does it have a smoke unit?
mike g. posted:Nice work there Dave! Sure is close on the sides, I sure hope there is wiggle room for when its moving! I hope you didn't have to carry all the river rock, I would think with all that rock you would have a cart or something, Keep up the great work!
Hi Mike, no barrow, had to walk up out the river with the the bigger stones individually or in plastic bags with the wee ones.
Moonman posted:Whistles in the valley should sound nice. You won't see it in there from the seating area, but you sure will hear it.
Does it have a smoke unit?
Hi Carl, I have two Piko german engines for the G scale line, both fitted with all bells and whistles digital smoke and sound. The smoke units are also the pulsed units synchrod with the pistons. The 2-6-2 in this you tube vid is the exact sister of mine....
Davy Mac posted:Moonman posted:Whistles in the valley should sound nice. You won't see it in there from the seating area, but you sure will hear it.
Does it have a smoke unit?
Hi Carl, I have two Piko german engines for the G scale line, both fitted with all bells and whistles digital smoke and sound. The smoke units are also the pulsed units synchrod with the pistons. The 2-6-2 in this you tube vid is the exact sister of mine....
That's whistle will sound great! Nice smoke, too. Volume up for the valley run...
That looks great, Davy! I like the pipes!
Turned out looking wonderful Davy! I hope you have fun tomorrow at the wedding! will look for your update Sunday!
Davy Mac posted:mike g. posted:Nice work there Dave! Sure is close on the sides, I sure hope there is wiggle room for when its moving! I hope you didn't have to carry all the river rock, I would think with all that rock you would have a cart or something, Keep up the great work!
Hi Mike, no barrow, had to walk up out the river with the the bigger stones individually or in plastic bags with the wee ones.
WOW Davy, so that brings on the next question! What are you going to do to say buff once the garden and railroad is done!
Hi Guys, oh well the best laid plans this week got pretty much scuppered by bad weather at the start of the week and other unforeseen life-to-do's also got in the way of prgoress however hot and sunny as hell yesterday and today, Scotland apparently hotter than Mexico yesterday, same today. Managed to do a wee bit to the stonework along the back and cut the fence next to my neighbours a bit to make an extra bit of flowerboxing. Pipin at a weddin today,so can't see much gettin done today either.
,I'll get ma trains runnin yet.... ! as for what am goin to do after all this is done Mike,.... oh I have umpteen rail-related projects waitin my attention in various scales. So I'll no be bored ... lol
Nice photo Davy! Looks like a Hot day..You guys don't wear shorts over there just kilts
Seacoast posted:Nice photo Davy! Looks like a Hot day..You guys don't wear shorts over there just kilts
Hi George, kilt will be on in about an hours time. Pipin at 3.00. Should be back home for about 5, grab ma dinner and get into the garden with the old workin togs on,need to try and get some stonework done tonight. Eldest grandaughter's found the new seats !!
Mornin guys, well back into the nitty gritty, lifted some of the G scale track next to the site of where the O gauge turntable well will be. Will have to slew it a bit to clear the well. At the same time forming the approach to the turntable off what will be the O gauge mainline. I might yet make another off/on road from the turntable over the G line to the other side of the layout but this plan isn't set in stone pun intended . Another sweltering day here but unlike yesterday its very humid and threatening thunderstorms,however so far still managing to get some work done
You have quite the mess going there Davy! But I am sure it will turn out wonderful just like everything else!
mike g. posted:You have quite the mess going there Davy! But I am sure it will turn out wonderful just like everything else!
Quite a mess,but there is a plan Mike ....I think... ha ha. Thunderstorms stopped play about half an hour afer I last posted...but I got some stuff done
Hi Guys, well have pushed things on a bit. These pics show O gauge the turntable area taking shape. I've built the most of the channel for the pulley belt. I'll need to insert a tensioner pin into the ground and get a crank handle made for turning it. There will (I have made up my mind) two on/off roads onto the table. I've started to make the formation for the first road as you can see. The second road will go off to the right looking towards the wee hut to join the other side of the layout. The stick laid from the nose of the turntable in the picture shows where the off roads will be. Oh well ,pipin at a weddin this afternoon, better get in the shower and get ready ! ...
Looking good Davy, I knew there was a plan there somewhere! It just takes time to put it all into place and you sure look like your moving right along!
Hi Guys, Scottish weather back to its wet-self unfortunately ,however got a wee bit done this mornin. Laid the edging for the path-to be.Used old "causeway stones" or as we say in Scots "Causey Stanes". Good solid heavy stones set in cement,need to try and source a few more. Also got the wooden base for the 2nd O gauge overbridge cut and in place now. 1st dry day I'll bitumen it and cement it firmly in place. Beginning to take shape...... I think ? lol
One day at a time Davy, and when that day is done you just look back and see how things look. From where I am sitting and from your pictures things are looking just fine! Keep up the good work and enjoy as much as you can!
You know Davy I am starting to think you have a rock Quarry in your front yard! You have so many different kinds of stone you are using. It all looks great!
mike g. posted:You know Davy I am starting to think you have a rock Quarry in your front yard! You have so many different kinds of stone you are using. It all looks great!
Hi Mike, ha ha ,no, no quarry but plenty builder's merchants and rivers nearby . Always keep my eyes open as I travel about, amazin what people throw out and discard that can be re-cycled.... weather to pick up this afternoon, so might get a bit more done today yet
Hi Guys, well ,got a decent shift in today despite the weather. Nipped into a local dump this afternoon and found that some kind soul had dumped a pile of good used paving bricks, or "mono-block" as we call them over here. So I thought... just the very thing for my access path,plenty still lyin to finish the job so I'll be back for more tomorrow.... The edge of the path next to the G track is a few inches away from the edging stones I'll fill this with compost and plant it with thymes and other miniature plants. Ditto for the rock work next to the O gauge track-bed, have left enough room for plants there too.
Great find there Davy, the garden Railroad gods are looking down on you with a smile!
mike g. posted:Great find there Davy, the garden Railroad gods are looking down on you with a smile!
Hi Mike, funny ,because I was mullin over whether to do the path in natural stone or wee concrete paviors ,however when I saw the bricks at the dump I thought "perfect" and I quite like the look when I see them down. Good dry weather forecast for tomorrow so I'll be up at the crack of dawn and into it for a whole day.So should see some real progress tomorrow. Its at the stage now though where I need to take stock of the O gauge track plan ,where the sidings will be goin etc., so a bit of thinking required too. I'd like to get in some sidings to hold a few trains and also a seperate loco stabling area . Anyway, we'll see where it takes us tomorrow !!