Yes Davy that looks like a heavy rain fall, I can see the rain hitting the pond all the way over here in New York !
"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.
Post your non-O scale stuff here!
Everyone should go back to Page 1 and see how far this build has come. An amazing job Davy. I'm enjoying the ride.
NJCJOE posted:Everyone should go back to Page 1 and see how far this build has come. An amazing job Davy. I'm enjoying the ride.
Hi Joe,its only when I look back myself I realise just how much work I've done, ...very satisfying though. As a musician ,much as I enjoy my work, once a gig is done its gone, no matter how much or how well you play the music ....once its played ...its away.... nothing tangeible (unless you're doing a recording of course). With the landscaping and railway building however you can see and enjoy the fruits of your labour kinda thing. Very satisfying . However this will definately be the last time I do a major rebuild.Once its all done I'll be concentrating on running the trains .
Davy I do think the switch to G scale is a good idea. G scale is much more hefty and runs better for your larger area layout in all weather. Your O scale is great to watch you build. Your posts here get me inspired to try a go at the outdoor G scale. Where I live in New Hampshire USA though we start getting the heavy snow/ice and wind in December lasting to early April some years, that's the only limitation.
Seacoast posted:Davy I do think the switch to G scale is a good idea. G scale is much more hefty and runs better for your larger area layout in all weather. Your O scale is great to watch you build. Your posts here get me inspired to try a go at the outdoor G scale. Where I live in New Hampshire USA though we start getting the heavy snow/ice and wind in December lasting to early April some years, that's the only limitation.
Hi George, the thought of O gauge for the big circuit didn't phase me ,it was mostly down to common sense economics that I changed my mind and went for the current plan. I already had more than ample G track and probably have enough O to complete that too , so all's good. I also have interests in OO/HO and N and even some Z gauge, however I have a lot of overlaps in my collections so a major clear out is on the cards. !!.
Mornin guys, well almost got all the track laid,only have a total of about 4 yards left to pin in place in the back section and by the turntable and the final wee bit to join on th right hand side and thats the trackwork complete. Woulda been finished today but the good old Scottish rain put the kaibosh on that so...hey ho... never mind nearly there...
It's a great project and has been fun to follow through the various phases.
I'm sure somewhere in the previous 9 pages I've missed the part about how you're powering the track. Are you running live steam or will you be powered by electricity. Sorry if I missed the answer in the previous pages. Thanks, Joe
Rigatoni Express Railroad posted:Davy,
It's a great project and has been fun to follow through the various phases.
I'm sure somewhere in the previous 9 pages I've mi for power, well,as it stands I have two German steam locos by Piko in 1/26th scale. Fully fitted with pulsed smoke units and DCC control and sound. They are fitted with Piko/Massoth decoders . This is my first venture into DCC. Anyway I have all the necessary bits and pieces , sittin brand new in their box ,ready to be wired up when I get the tracklaying finished . I've also bought some matching German passenger cars and freight stock. So they will be the main performers for now on the G scale till I get my head round DCC. I still have some Aristocraft 1/29th locos from my previous venture in G but whether I will keep those remains to be seen, . The Massoth DCC unit can be switched to suit all standard voltages ,so depending on cost I might use it for my O gauge line too.Will all come down to the cost of fitting decoders etc..., . In the meantime I'll power the O gauge with a normal power transformer .But track power all the way.
This isn't my BR 64 loco but I have the same one its fitted with the same smoke and sound.... plus a 2-6-0 BR24 . Also fitted with the correct smoke and sound .
I'm jealous, and I want it all ripped up and brought to MY back yard immediately! Awwwwwwwwwww, just kidding! Keep up the good work and looking forward to future additions. It looks great!
Congrats Davy, One small step for Davy and one big step for the rest of us to watch! Looks great. I bet you had to stop when you finished to have a nice cold one and look over your accomplishment!
Hi Guys,thanks for the thumbs up and encouragement but it will still be a while yet before I get trains running.... I have never worked with DCC before so I have a lot to learn . Still,every wee bit done is progress !!. As for a "cold one" Mike...,eh ...not at 8.30 AM.... wee bit early in the day .... lol. I'm also doin a gig in Edinburgh tonight ,drink driving laws in Scotland are as tight as a ducks butt these days ,pretty much zero-tollerance so no drink for me today !.
Hi Guys, well between bad weather , too busy with work and other must-do things, l've not been able to get much done at all with the garden the last good wee while,however finally got a wee bit done today if not much, ...managed to get the last bit of the garden where there was still loose muck covered over using old brick cemented in place. I can finally go anywhere in the garden now without gettin muddy feet... that should keep my Mrs a bit happier. Once these old bricks and cement set they'll form the foundation for my access path in the back section of the garden and the base for the retaining walls for the O gauge line scenic work.
I think you need to stop this working for a living's getting in the way of your progress.
Joe's right !!!! Enough with this working for a living stuff !!! I can't wait to see what progress your making every week .
Looking great right now Davy . Do you think there will be a video of trains running this year before real bad weather sets in ?
Looking very well Davy , as usual
Enjoy the pictures and information sharing.
Hi Guys, well my work isn't "work"in the conventional sense
.In fact at the weekend past I was playing at a wedding gig in Glenfinnan here in Scotland.Very beautifull part of the world in the west highlands. In the process of travelling up there I saw the "Jacobite" steam train which runs between Fort William and Mallaig. This was the line used for the Harry Potter films. I piped at the old Chapel first of all then played accordion for the Ceilidh dancing at the wedding reception later in the day. So my "work" is kinda fun work much of the time. As for getting trains running in the garden this side of the year,I really don't know.... fightin the clock now guys ,short days and weather very much on the turn....
....anyway we'll see what transpires
.... in the meantime heres a couple of pics of Glenfinnan..
Hey Davy,
Stunning photos ! The name Glenfinnan sounds like a double malt Scotch.
Beautiful photos, Davy! Thank you for telling us about your work and sharing the photos!!
Davy Mac posted:Hi Guys, well my work isn't "work"in the conventional sense
.In fact at the weekend past I was playing at a wedding gig in Glenfinnan here in Scotland.Very beautifull part of the world in the west highlands. In the process of travelling up there I saw the "Jacobite" steam train which runs between Fort William and Mallaig. This was the line used for the Harry Potter films. I piped at the old Chapel first of all then played accordion for the Ceilidh dancing at the wedding reception later in the day. So my "work" is kinda fun work much of the time. As for getting trains running in the garden this side of the year,I really don't know.... fightin the clock now guys ,short days and weather very much on the turn....
....anyway we'll see what transpires
.... in the meantime heres a couple of pics of Glenfinnan..
"Beautiful part of the world" ? Now that is an understatement if there ever was one by the look of these photos.
Breath taking! The church is probably several hundred years old. What are me missing in today's bland architecture? That bridge would look great in your garden Davy.
Was that a MacLeod wedding? Any signs of Duncan at the reception?
Hi Guys, well made an attempt to get the O gauge main circuit base finished this morning but the rain forecast for this afternoon got here early so am sittin here pretty much soaked after gettin caught in it with half a batch of cement still to use... Anyway got a wee bit done. Have slewed the curve at the wee hut out a bit in the hope that it will be enough to get the bigger steam emgines round. I now pretty much only have to do the back straight now once the weather picks up and that will be the main circuit finished.
Hi Guys, well was dry up till about 5 minutes ago,so got on not bad today for a couple of hours, the curve by the wee shed is now complete and I'm on the last layer of bricks and blocks to join up the back straight. Slightly out with my levels but nothing drastic. If I get a dry hour or two tomorrow I'll complete that back straight .As you can see when it rains in Scotland it rains, I was working up till a few minutes before the last photo,at least there were a few spits of rain warning before it came on proper,so didn't get drowned today unlike yesterday !!
Great progress Davy, I hope the weather works with you to get this done! I can't wait to see some trains running on your layout!
mike g. posted:Great progress Davy, I hope the weather works with you to get this done! I can't wait to see some trains running on your layout!
Hi Mike, really competing with the weather and short days now, however I'll just keep pushing on as and when I can. I still need a fair old load of the right kinda stones for finishing the scenic work and path etc., plus a good lot of rubble and crushed rock etc., for fill. No chance of gettin near the river beds for stone now with the recent rainwater bringing the river levels way up, .... frosty days won't be long till they're here either .... oh well,just need to go with the flow as they say !
Pretty nice work! Great photo!
I forgot to comment on the photo - How did you convince the groom that you should be next to the bride? Handsome is as handsome does...
Moonman posted:Davy,
I forgot to comment on the photo - How did you convince the groom that you should be next to the bride? Handsome is as handsome does...
I just followed instructions Carl, whats the sayin ?...."let no man come between them".... well that photo was five minutes after the much for that ....ha ha
Hi Guys, all work on the garden has had to stop the last couple of weeks due to other things in life needing my time and attention , hopefully will get a wee bit of progress made this week coming,weather permitting.In the meantime check out this wee bit film of Scotland, couple of good steam loco shots, one is of the Strathspey preservation railway in the central highlands out of Aviemore and the other is on the west highland(harry Potter) line at Glenfinnan where I played the wedding a few weeks back...... enjoy....
You've nearly completed it. The spring should bring some fun and train running.
Lang may yer lum reek.