Hi Guys, well spent yesterday tidyin things up a bit and goin for more stuff,plus got some more stonework and path done. Back at it this mornin and have just installed the 2nd off road off the turntable which forms a bridge crossing over the G scale line. Weather to break later today so will push on and get as much done before the rain makes its appearance !!
"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.
Post your non-O scale stuff here!
Hi Guys, well got on not bad this mornin,finished my last bag of cement and ver near another ton of sand gone too.(see 2nd picture...lol) Taking shape though. Have the path up to where I need to make a step up and over the line that will come off the turntable. Rain's just startin to spit so am finished for today. Yet another ton of sand and some cement required ...however ....gettin there !!. Now off to cut my grass before the rain gets serious !!
Looking good Davy, I sure hope you don't get wet today! Just so you don't feel bad it's raining here also!
mike g. posted:Looking good Davy, I sure hope you don't get wet today! Just so you don't feel bad it's raining here also!
Hi Mike, just finished cuttin my wee bit grass and tidyin up and now the rain's on proper, just headin into the shower then off for some paint to paint some N gauge wagons ! trains in the brain...lo
Hi Guys, not so much done today however did get some of the trackbase formation started off the turntable across to the mainline route on the other side. Other sidings will come off this line ...all shall be revealed as things progress ....
...and took delivery of another (and final ??) ton of sand today... oh well...
we'll see !
Looks great Davy, I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you do something else for a living besides play the pipes?
mike g. posted:Looks great Davy, I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you do something else for a living besides play the pipes?
Hi Mike, been a full time pro musician since about 1991and part time prior to that, .Had my own function band for many years, play accordion, keyboards and for the last 7 years the pipes. Quit the band work a few years back and now mostly just play the pipes these days. Couldn't stand bein stuck in an office or factory 9-to-5 .... perish the thought ,I like my freedom..
Davy, I know exactly what yo mean about the office/factory type jobs. I couldn't do it either and I do appreciate your feelings on that! I was always out in the field, had an employer provided vehicle and was going to different places quite frequently. I did that for about 5-6 years and then they wanted me to work in the office. I tried it and after about 5 years just couldn't take it anymore. I was a nervous wreck! They were kind enough to give me my old job back and I was so much happier I finished my entire working life back out in the field. They just told me where to go and what to do when I got there and pretty much left me alone to do what I wanted after that. As long as I got the work done and didn't run over on costs they never said much about anything job related. Doesn't get any better than that, IMO, but I am glad to now be retired. The best job yet!
You know Davy, with all the great work you do and all the heavy lifting, I would have thought you were in the construction field or something like that! Hell you look at your picture and you have some good size guns there mate! LOL
I am honored that you fallowed your dreams and did what you enjoy, not to many of us can say that, including me!
rtr12 posted:Davy, I know exactly what yo mean about the office/factory type jobs. I couldn't do it either and I do appreciate your feelings on that! I was always out in the field, had an employer provided vehicle and was going to different places quite frequently. I did that for about 5-6 years and then they wanted me to work in the office. I tried it and after about 5 years just couldn't take it anymore. I was a nervous wreck! They were kind enough to give me my old job back and I was so much happier I finished my entire working life back out in the field. They just told me where to go and what to do when I got there and pretty much left me alone to do what I wanted after that. As long as I got the work done and didn't run over on costs they never said much about anything job related. Doesn't get any better than that, IMO, but I am glad to now be retired. The best job yet!
Hi Rt, should have mentioned as well that I generally don't like workin for a "boss". Did work for a couple of decent ones when I was younger but also worked for some complete a-holes, so have been my own boss for a very long time and thats the way I like it. Did office work for about 2 years when I left school and hated it . Its like prison to me.
mike g. posted:You know Davy, with all the great work you do and all the heavy lifting, I would have thought you were in the construction field or something like that! Hell you look at your picture and you have some good size guns there mate! LOL
I am honored that you fallowed your dreams and did what you enjoy, not to many of us can say that, including me!
Hi Mike, I come from a long line of manual workers and military ,worked in the woods with ma old man for years, suppose what you guys call a lumberjack in the states,on the work side farming/woodcutting/mining etc., ma old man was a WW2 paratrooper and my furthest back great (x?) grandfather was a soldier who fought in the Napoleonic and Indian wars back in the day. Also have another way back great grandpa who was a soldier back in the 1600s ,so maybe I get my mentality /physical stuff from that gene-pool.However, I'm useless with heights get the shakes up a ladder
and never been in the military either, though I was an undertaker for three years back in the 80s and handled death in all its ugly forms and dealt with it OK,so maybe theres a bit of what would be required on a battlefield in me but happy to say av never needed to put that to the test nor have any wish too.
Heres a wee ironic story though, I had two great uncles on my mother's side who fought at the battle of the Somme in WW1,both were wounded but returned home and lived to a very old age, however another brother who was a railwayman remained at home during the war, one night he dismounted from his locomotive at a signal cabin and was hit and killed by a London bound train.... I was about to say its safer playin trains than bein a soldier...then I remembered him ..lol
Hi Guys, well got a couple of hours in this mornin, roughly laid a couple of bits of track just to let you see where this is goin.... this mornins work was layin steps at the end of the block path to get up and over that rail-line. I've left wee troughs round the steps for ground hugging plants I'll finish the planting and dressing once the track is in situ proper. Ah well, need to get in the shower now and get ready for another afternoon on the pipes. Another poor guy gettin married...
Onec again very nice work there Davy! Also thank you for sharing that wonderful story about your family!
Davy Mac posted:rtr12 posted:Davy, I know exactly what yo mean about the office/factory type jobs. I couldn't do it either and I do appreciate your feelings on that! I was always out in the field, had an employer provided vehicle and was going to different places quite frequently. I did that for about 5-6 years and then they wanted me to work in the office. I tried it and after about 5 years just couldn't take it anymore. I was a nervous wreck! They were kind enough to give me my old job back and I was so much happier I finished my entire working life back out in the field. They just told me where to go and what to do when I got there and pretty much left me alone to do what I wanted after that. As long as I got the work done and didn't run over on costs they never said much about anything job related. Doesn't get any better than that, IMO, but I am glad to now be retired. The best job yet!
Hi Rt, should have mentioned as well that I generally don't like workin for a "boss". Did work for a couple of decent ones when I was younger but also worked for some complete a-holes, so have been my own boss for a very long time and thats the way I like it. Did office work for about 2 years when I left school and hated it . Its like prison to me.
I understand that with the bosses!
Hi Guys, well another day at the project, managed to get on not too bad, however rapidly running out of suitable stone,so yet another trip to the river is on the cards,maybe tonight or tomorrow. Been workin on the path formation either side of the track off the turntable. Next up is to continue the path over the G scale line and into the back left corner where I'll make a wee patio for my lounger (troughly where the barrow is sittin), that corner is the last to get the sun at night... not so far from the finishing line now but it doesn't half take some amount of material ...never mind ...upwards and onwards !
Looking good Davy! I hope you don't have to get to much more stone, you don't want to have to take any back! LOL
Great idea there Davy, is that a chain or just a rubber strap? either way I bet its going to work just wonderful!
Hi Mike, rubber washin machine pulley belt. Installed and workin perfect.Just waitin for cement to cure now. Have also now got a strong flat stone in place over the G scale line to carry the path into the back corner. No way I'm gettin any stone out the river the next coupla days with the amount of water thats in the river system now... so I'll need to see what I can scrounge elsewhere to get things pushed on.
Hi Guys, well between lousy weather and havin to do other life-stuff the garden railway project's been a bit neglected for a few days,however managed a couple of hours yesterday and this mornin. Have the wee patio down for my "railway observation lounger"... I'm now in the final stages of the hardscaping, some final stonework,planting and dressing then its trackwork time. Can sit in that lounger and turn the locomotives without gettin off my butt !!.
Its also the last place to get the sun at the end of the day.... magic !!
Hi Guys, been busy with other things but still makin progress, .... pushed on with the stonework between the block access path and the track base. I've formed a trough between the stones that will get filled with a compost and rough sand mix and it will get planted with low growing alpines,thymes etc., this should give the railway a nice "rails thru the mountains" effect once its complete. I'm almost ready to start track laying on that stretch.
Davy, the progress looks fantastic! It's really coming together!
Very nice Davy! You have your own little heaven there! Just sit back and relax and enjoy!
Wow, things are really progressing nicely for the trains! The rest of the garden is fantastic!! Mike is right, it looks like a bit of heaven on earth!
The Dude posted:Davy, the progress looks fantastic! It's really coming together!
Hi A ,thanks for the thumbs up
Mark Boyce posted:Wow, things are really progressing nicely for the trains! The rest of the garden is fantastic!! Mike is right, it looks like a bit of heaven on earth!
Mark and Mike, well after the life I've led I probably won't be seeing the real heaven when I pop my clogs so might as well enjoy it while I'm here
. Why is it the last part of any project always seems to take the longest time ????... I was hopin to have trains running by now but looks like it will be a wee while yet....still...nearly there
Davy , I can not complement you enough on what you have done to your garden . Your forethought is amazing . I hope you have many, many years sitting in your lounger watching the fruits of your labor. With a good single malt ,I may add !!! . I am looking forward to watching your trains make the trip around that beautiful setting . If I ever get to Scotland , birthplace of my grandfather , I'll shurely look you up . Jim
Summerdale Junction posted:Davy , I can not complement you enough on what you have done to your garden . Your forethought is amazing . I hope you have many, many years sitting in your lounger watching the fruits of your labor. With a good single malt ,I may add !!!
. I am looking forward to watching your trains make the trip around that beautiful setting . If I ever get to Scotland , birthplace of my grandfather , I'll shurely look you up . Jim
Hi Jim, thanks for the encouragement ,and if you ever get to Scotland you'd be very welcome too !. And, aye...I'm hopin do get a few summers yet to enjoy it !!
Hi Guys, well spent the day finished that stonework along the block path, filled the trough with compost/sand mix and got a few plants in, the wee channel on the other side of the path has also been filled with the compost mix and dressed with the pea gravel ,it will get planted out too with small creepers and such like. So come next spring/summer it should be fairly mature lookin and colourfull too. Not far from the landscaping finishing line now,then its the track and trains....the icing on the cake !! Where the barrow is sitting in pic1 will be the loco sidings.
Wow Davy, Do you make trips across the pond for landscaping advice .
Seacoast posted:Wow Davy, Do you make trips across the pond for landscaping advice
send 1 airline ticket to.....
Davey- been following your build. Your work is spectacular. The garden is beautiful. If you need any assistance pouring (or drinking) your single malts let me know.
Great Looking Davy! Just wondering does your wee little hut have AC if needed?
mike g. posted:Great Looking Davy! Just wondering does your wee little hut have AC if needed?
Hi Mike, Ihave a couple of Marklin AC G scale engines and have an AC controller ,however I'll be selling the AC stuff and sticking to digital for the G scale and DC or digital for the O gauge. I don't have any three rail stuff at all.
Hi Davy, I'm sorry I ment air conditioner!
mike g. posted:Hi Davy, I'm sorry I ment air conditioner!
In general, the European Continent and British Isles are comfortable as is and find no need for A/C.
Arthur posted:mike g. posted:Hi Davy, I'm sorry I ment air conditioner!
In general, the European Continent and British Isles are comfortable as is and find no need for A/C.
I Respectfully disagree the continent can get HOT in the summer. Paris in a hotel without AC is a miserable time. London in the summer can get humid.
Seacoast posted:Arthur posted:mike g. posted:Hi Davy, I'm sorry I ment air conditioner!
In general, the European Continent and British Isles are comfortable as is and find no need for A/C.
I Respectfully disagree the continent can get HOT in the summer. Paris in a hotel without AC is a miserable time. London in the summer can get humid.
Yes it gets hot, and hotels yes have A/C, but everyday households, not so common.
Hi Guys, ,well the fact that my first thought was AC as in "alternating current" is an indicator that in Scotland air conditioning isn't a big deal. You do get it in some public buildings,hotels etc., but with our climate theres seldom sticky humidity, south of the border in England ,especially the south of England, London, Sussex, Hampshire etc., they generally get their weather more influenced with the european mainland and France in particular.So they generally get more of the hot unconmfortable stuff than up here. As for AC in my wee hut.... theres a door.... lol