Hello everyone,
I'm building my layout and using four Gargraves turnouts to create a double crossover. My turnouts are diverging route to diverging route. I have them wired to one controller since they will both need to be in the turn position at the same time. The same for the other two. They are wired for non-derailing and operate fine. The problem is when one train approaches the turnouts on the inner loop needing to use the non-derail feature. Only one turnout changes the position of the points now leaving me with two turnouts on one controller but turned in opposite directions. I thought I could run a wire from the non-derail wire of each turnout together since they would both throw to the same position but when I do this they will not throw to the diverging route, the non-derail feature throws them back to the straight through position leaving me with no way to enter or exit the inner loop. The switch motors are DZ 2500. They have green and yellow wires to the control rails one for each position. I'm only using the yellow wire to the isolated rails because I only need them to turn to the straight through position. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your replies.