The 2021 Christmas layout starts today!
My starting point is the layout I created last year. Here are some videos and pics to set the stage:
video - Christmas Eve 2020
video - Christmas Morning 2020
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The 2021 Christmas layout starts today!
My starting point is the layout I created last year. Here are some videos and pics to set the stage:
video - Christmas Eve 2020
video - Christmas Morning 2020
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Sweet! You're right on target.
got the benchwork frames all set up and placed the foam on top. the painted foam is what I used last year. the unpainted green is new for this year. realized that I did not account for floor space for plants which need the sunlight from that left corner. so, going to have to flip this track plan horizontally. the add-on 4x4 surface will have to move to the right side of the layout. glad I started way early.
You know....I've never thought of or seen an elevated dog bone used for a Christmas Tree Layout before.
Works great and keeps the trains off the floor.....yet you can still add presents to the base of the tree.
Many of us wind up moving a couch to make way for the tree....which one would do for a dog bone like you did last year.
Brilliant. Thanks for sharing.
Keep documenting that Christmas layout build, Garrett. Might be a very good candidate for the Dec. (2022) issue of O Gauge Railroading magazine. Just get in touch with me if you might be interested. Our 2021 issue is already in production, but I really like to plan ahead when it comes to seasonal magazine features.
@Berkshire President posted:You know....I've never thought of or seen an elevated dog bone used for a Christmas Tree Layout before.
Works great and keeps the trains off the floor.....yet you can still add presents to the base of the tree.
Many of us wind up moving a couch to make way for the tree....which would for a dog bone like you did last year.
Brilliant. Thanks for sharing.
I went with the dogbone concept at first because I could start building it in Oct or Nov. We would get a live Xmas tree after Thanksgiving. I made the section in front a head of time. just slide into position after the tree was in place. My first dogbone layout:
However, problem- our older dog would stumble through it like Godzilla through Tokyo. We could come home and find derailed train cars and broken ceramic buildings, LOL. after that I lifted everthing up. my first elevated layout was 2014. it was smaller than what I have now (different house), but it is still one of my favorites:
@Allan Miller posted:Keep documenting that Christmas layout build, Garrett. Might be a very good candidate for the Dec. (2022) issue of O Gauge Railroading magazine. Just get in touch with me if you might be interested. Our 2021 issue is already in production, but I really like to plan ahead when it comes to seasonal magazine features.
Thanks. If you have any photography or documentation tips, please share. Right now I am focused on making daily forward progress and sharing with the forum.
A Question for the O.P. your forum handle begs me to ask if you have a Garrett in your collection? If so what scale?
@prrhorseshoecurve posted:A Question for the O.P. your forum handle begs me to ask if you have a Garrett in your collection? If so what scale?
no, never heard of it until you mentioned it
Looks great, Garrett!!
I am impressed you are getting started so early ahead of the Christmas rush. Nice work so far!
Garrett, You have a nice space for your Christmas layout. I lost my previous space to my wife's quilting operation. I'm all in favor of her doing it. She retires tomorrow. Yippee! She needs to get her mind off nursing and work on her hobby more.
In addition, I finally notice the chipped off edges of the foam in the final photograph. I think that is a nice touch. I agree, get with Allan Miller on doing an article.
as a friend of mine said, it's time for my wife to get a she-shed !
I tried to sculpt the edges of the foam to make it look more like a snow bank. once the garland is in place like the pictures at the top then it really takes on a custom look with the lights and shadows
@Garrett76 posted:as a friend of mine said, it's time for my wife to get a she-shed !
I tried to sculpt the edges of the foam to make it look more like a snow bank. once the garland is in place like the pictures at the top then it really takes on a custom look with the lights and shadows
I used a hot wire kit from Hot Wire Foam Factory. Worked like a charm
@Garrett76 posted:as a friend of mine said, it's time for my wife to get a she-shed !
I tried to sculpt the edges of the foam to make it look more like a snow bank. once the garland is in place like the pictures at the top then it really takes on a custom look with the lights and shadows
Our township only allows one outbuilding, and we have a shed with mower, snow blower, etc. The only answer is to move!
@Garrett76 posted:Thanks. If you have any photography or documentation tips, please share. Right now I am focused on making daily forward progress and sharing with the forum.
I will send you a copy of our Author Guidelines and Photo Tips sheet. Just document the heck out of everything you do with hi-res photos and I will work with you to put an article together. If we come up with a decent presentation (I'm confident we will), you will receive $400 for the article when it is published.
@Garrett76 posted:
@Craftech posted:"Garrett, pass the ketchup"
"No problem dear, I'll send it down to your end railway express"
speaking of which, eveyone on the forum has probably seen this video, but it's always a good time to watch it again:
@Garrett76 posted:speaking of which, eveyone on the forum has probably seen this video, but it's always a good time to watch it again:
So You Want a Model Railroad - Joe McDoakes - 1955
"We couldn't afford a maid anymore, but Joe took care of that"
I love it. Thanks for the video link Garrett.
I picked up this graduated trestle set (MTH product, specific model for use with Lionel Fastrack) at the local train store (Just Trains in Delaware). it was my first experience with inclines and elevation. pretty neat product. the fit around the track is pretty snug. I got a few bent fingernails trying to slide the pieces down the 30" fastrack straights. I wised up and started pushing with the end of a sharpie marker. otherwise, it was easy to setup
Garrett, the trestle kit made a nice job of adding the grades you wanted.
I did discover some problems with the inclined track setup:
1) the loco and tender are heavy and cause the curved track to bend toward the outside of the curves (O36 Fastrack). I'm not comfortable with any flex and don't want any part of the loco or cars to derail and tumble onto the ceramic items that will be below
2) the MTH pillars seem fine to support the end of the track where they join between 10" straights and the O36 curves. however, there are weak spots where I have small straight pieces (1-3/8, 1-3/4, 5). at one spot on the left, the track flex causes a break in power. in the video below, you will see the loco stop on its climb. have to work on some fixes
3) I am uncomfortable with the height of the track next to the edge of the benchwork. call it a fear of heights. I will have to add some protective measures to prevent a major crash in case of a derailment
Under track supports. Lionel Trestles have them. Found this which may be helpful.
I wasn't crazy about the extra wide opening in the center area. The top pic is the setup I used last year. I had an extra large Christmas tree and still thought the space was too open. So, back to the drawing board and saw horses for a new piece. The 2" insulation from Lowe's is plenty firm for tracks and village houses. Also, it's easy to shape.
Garrett, the curved edge on the front looks great!
Well done!
Looks great, Garrett!!
Maiden run on the layout. Everything went well on the first few laps. No power connection problems
Looks great, Garrett!
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