For those of you show would prefer a louder sound file for this engine, MTH has posted a newer, louder sound file on the engine's web page. You can download it by clicking on the below link and then downloading the web page's sound file. The existing sound file is lower in volume due to the smaller (40 mm) speaker used in the engine.
I have downloaded the file and plan to update my GE Evo tomorrow. Note that MTH suggests using DC for track power during the update of this 4 meg sound file in order to limit the possibilities of retries.
Further, note that you must use Loader Program 2.10 or later to avoid possible corruption of a PS3 engine's sound file, and you also must be using DCS 4.20 or the update will not be attempted at all.
A complete explanation of this scenario is on page 213 of The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition.