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Hi guys. I currently model in S scale, but I'm contemplating selling out and getting into O 2 rail scale.


I model CSX, Conrail and Norfolk Southern now. I model from the 80's 90's mostly and newer, so I will want to beable to run bigger Locomotives like SD70 and ES44. Also, auto racks, well cars and 30k tankers for my operation is my plan.

Any suggestions on radius for curves in 2 rail O? What's a minimum and maximum curves you'd reccommend?


Thanks guys!

Last edited by snowmanw900
Original Post

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I model older stuff, 40 and 50 ft cars and I use 52 inch minimum radius.    I don't have any modern diesels, but my Atlas O FM Erie Builts will go around those with ease.    Those locos as all Atlas have two motors, one mounted to each truck and they swivel really far.    Single motor units would probably complain some on curves like that but I did have a USH SD45 at one time that could do it with ease also.

I have about 10-12 passenger cars mostly 80 ft long (PRR P70 is 80 over couplers) and they go ok too.    These are mostly Golden Gate Depot newer plastic, not superdetailed brass.   

I can't really recommend for what you describe.   I recommend you get a couple sections of flex track and a couple cars and a loco and try things out with varies radius laid temporarily.

My opinion is the non-brass freight cars will go around 52 inch radius without a problem.    BUT the couplers may not swing far enough to stay mated on the really long cars. 

Atlas O did import nicely detailed plastic 30k or 33k tankers.   Their website might list a minimum radius.     Sunset 3rd Rail seems to list a minimum radius for their locos.

There was a 2 rail discussion on the forum a couple of years ago, about the curves and size of engines that could be used.  Probably the biggest difference between two rail and three rail O is the curves.  Even the radius, and O gauge terminology about the curves, differs.  O72 three rail indicates that the diameter of the curve is 72". A two rail 72" curve is twice as big with a diameter of 144" .  2 rail with curves requires a fair amount of space, IMO.  From a guy, who has 3 rail O gauge layout, but at one time considered 2 rail.   Mike CT.  


Last edited by Mike CT


Hi and welcome aboard. I model CSX,would like to include BNSF&NS but funds don't allow it at this time. I come from 30+ years in HO. The lack of modern equipment compared to HO, is a bitter pill to accept,but is a trade off to go to O Scale. Modern safety shelf couplers are supposed to be offered soon. These are like Protocraft couplers accept they will have the safety shelfs on them like is required on modern tankers. I'm waiting for those. Modern groundthrow switchstands that operate just like the prototype are for sale now and more variations are on the way. This is a 1st in any scale. Type in This will bring up All Aboard Trains which is Larry's business title. Larry is a great fellow that treats his customers as family. I have a few of these and they're great. He's working on the linkage between the switchstand and the various turnouts on the market, as there are some differences  in the amount of throw that's required.

I'm located in Bremen,IN near the double track CSX line that was originally the B&O line to Chicago. GREAT train watching!!

I plan 50 or 54" radii on my mainline as I've run on experimenal 45" radius with 60ft tankers and a 50'+ 4750 cvd hopper with no problems the cars even coupled on that curve. So I'm hoping 50" or 54" radii will be sufficient. Track radii are largely dependent on the size of loco's and cars you want to run which it sounds like you already have a good handle on.

If you like what you can find in S Scale,I'm guessing you can probably find as much of what you're looking for in O Scale too. 

Hope you make the change.

Al Hummel

You guys are great. I thank you for the information. I'm still doing research on the amount stuff available for 2 rail versus 3 rail.


I love my S scale stuff, but it's very aggravating that Lionel, MTH and the few other manufacturers are not wanting to produce modern freight cars and other locomotives. 


I also love the amount of machinery,  buildings and modern rolling stock for O scale. I just have to decide which way to go.

O 2-rail or O 3-rail. Thanks for the insight and I welcome your opinions and ideas!

I have been in 2 rail for 40+years and three layouts.

I ran consols, mikes and pacifics and even a 75' combine on 48" min radius, but that was the few minimum curves and most curves were larger and the equipment looked better.  Next layout was 54" and easily handled 80' cars and mountains, santa fes and a huge L&N berk.  I had one large Sunset mountain that gave me trouble on the min radius. 

Current layout is 58" minimum (centerline) and handles everything I own.  Operationally, the curved portion of a number 5 turnout is about equal to 54" radius, just something to keep in mind. I use some 5's in the yard but 6 in most places and a few larger than that...but just for looks.  I wouldn't say the biggest difference bwt 2 and 3 rail is the radius, there are many huge differences.  Good luck with whatever you decide. 

Another thing to consider the control system you might want to use.  Now.. both 3-Rail and 2-Rail have DCC-style control with independent motor control, sound and lighting boards in their newer locomotives but pretty much all of the 3-Rail control systems are proprietary to that manufacturer so you only get the full feature set when you use that manufacturer's control system.  Also, since the 3-Rail manufacturer's treat their products as a bit of monopoly, e.g. if you purchased their loco, you pretty much have to take what they give you for control and sound, and their proprietary motor control and sound is definitely lacking when compared to what DCC has to offer.  At least with DCC, you have some options for various vendors or for upgrading.  The downside with DCC in 2-Rail is you are pretty much going to need to do a lot of retrofitting yourself if you want to take advantage of the "latest and greatest" in most cases.   You are not going to find much plug-n-play in O scale.  There is some plug-n-play, for example MTH offers selectable DCS (predominantly 3-Rail - proprietary MTH control) or DCC (predominantly 2-Rail) on their latest factory equipped PS3 boards; however, their sound in either architecture is not really up to par with aftermarket O Scale DCC sound decoder manufacturer offerings from ESU, Soundtraxx, and TCS.  Now... there are exceptions and there are guys that run DCC on 3-Rail and there guys that run DCS on 2-Rail, but again, you are going to have to row your own if you choose to march to beat of your own drum.

Same goes for rolling stock, you need to be somewhat handy as some of modern rolling stock selections you mention in your original post are currently only available in 3-Rail, albeit still very nice models and fit right in with dedicated 2-Rail offerings once converted, but you are going to need to get your hands dirty and do some mods to make it compatible with 2-Rail.   It's not "rocket surgery" but its not plug-n-play either - some cuttin' and fittin' and paying an extra $20-$30 per car here and there for a set of 2-Rail wheelsets or trucks, and a pack of Kadees is all part of the 2-Rail game. 

If you are a hobby shop guy (I see you are coming from S Scale, so I assume you are not ), then there is not very much out their in 2-Rail O scale for the "touchy feely" types.  You pretty much buy what you want sight-unseen off internet dealers / ebay sellers, etc.  3-Rail definitely wins in this area as there are still hobby shops that stock 3-Rail equipment.  There are a few 2-Rail centric shows throughout the year, one of the better (if not the best) is coming up shortly (March 16, 17, & 18) in the Chicago area called the O Scale March meet.  There are lots of ways at this show to separate you from your money but even if you are not in a buying mood, it would be a good way to "drink from the fire hose" on what 2-Rail O Scale is all about and help you to decide between 2-Rail and 3-Rail rather quickly.  There are some 2 Rail O Scale YouTube videos too to see what is available in 2-Rail O Scale, as well.

Lastly, my input on the minimum 2-Rail track radius for the modern equipment you mention is 60" min. (72" would be better, but 60" minimum will probably work just fine for all the equipment you list).  One thing to keep in mind is that although some of this long modern equipment can technically navigate a tighter radius, if you run mismatched car lengths (say an 89' auto rack coupled to a 50' boxcar) on a 50" radius curve then one of those cars isn't going to be on the track by the end of the curve because the overhang created by that 89' car is going rip that 50' boxcar right off the track.  

I always thought S Scale was the perfect scale and it still amazes me why this scale never took off but I think pretty much all of what you want in your original post is currently available in 2-Rail O Scale (albeit with some 2-Rail conversions necessary here and there) but you have to see if you have the space to run it in 2-Rail.

Scott Kay

Austin, TX



To @Scott Kay and the rest of you here, thank you

. I love the size and detail of my S scale. I'm handy and can fab and customize things usually well enough to suit me. Unforchanatly,  there's just to many things ( things I feel should be available in S ) that i cannot get in S.

1 thing is and SD40-2. One of the most iconic locomotives ever produced in my time, and yet NO ONE will produce one. All the big players refuse for some reason.

That's just 1 of many things that makes me loose faith in S. Plus, I'm more of a Scale guy than a hi-railer, so that also puts a hurting on the things I'd like to see in S. No modern 30k tank cars, no modern TTX flat cars, not much modern rolling stock to be had really. I've hung in there for years and have quite a collection, but it's at a plateau at this point. 

I realize O 2 rail is somewhat the same category for available loco and rolling stock,  but I'm also BIG on scenery as well and some of the construction and structures I see in 1:50 scale is amazing. 


Question. How hard is it to convert 3 rail locomotives or rolling stock over to 2 rail?


Last edited by snowmanw900
snowmanw900 posted:.............................................................................................


Question. How hard is it to convert 3 rail locomotives or rolling stock over to 2 rail?


Some if the newer MTH models are listed as 3/2 convertible.  The left/right, insulation/isolation for two rail is built into the model.  There is a 3/2 switch, and instructions for the conversion.  You may have to deal with the oversize flanges.  There are forum members who do this conversion.


Last edited by Mike CT

I have 56" and 60" radius 2 track mainline minimum radius. I have hidden storage tracks that go down to 36".

My era is different than your erea and I run large steam engines and 40" freight cars mainly, but I do run 80'-85' passenger cars which are probably as long as many modern freight cars. I've run my Overland passenger set on the 48" storage tracks, no prolbem. My bet is Sunset and Golden Gate would go down to 40" at least. The point is, it depends on the importer regarding what can run where.

I don't have any problem converting any rolling stock from 3 rail to 2 rail. I was a 3 railer for 20 years or so and converted to 2 rail.

snowmanw900 posted:

To @Scott Kay and the rest of you here, thank you

1 thing is and SD40-2. One of the most iconic locomotives ever produced in our my time, and yet NO ONE will produce one. That's just 1 of many things that makes me loose faith in S. Plus, I'm more of a Scale guy than a hi-railer, so that also puts a hurting on the things I'd like to see in S. No modern 30k tank cars, no modern TTX flat cars, not much modern rolling stock to be had really. I've hung in there for years and have quite a collection, but it's at a plateau at this point. 

Hi Snowmanw900,

The SD40-2 seems to be a bit elusive in O Scale too .   I saw that Overland produced a brass SD40-2 in S-Scale many moons ago (like back in the 80's), but it was not one of Overland's best models in my opinion,  

A high-end brass O Scale SD40-2 model is about to go into production by Midwestern Model Works and they will cost you just shy of $3K each.  Overland also did the SD40-2 in O Scale many years ago (late 80's or early 90's and much nicer models than the S Scale version) but these are rare as hens teeth and I don't think CSX or NS were part of the road names offered in that run.  However, I think Conrail was in that run though. 

There are some plastic Hi-Rail SD40-2s but they really are not good representations, getting the long patios correct on each end creates a bit of an issue for the vertical drives predominantly used in 3-Rail locos so "liberties" were indeed taken by the manufacturers.  Atlas O did a nice straight SD40 though that was available in both 2-Rail and 3-Rail.

 I realize O 2 rail is somewhat the same category for available loco and rolling stock,  but I'm also BIG on scenery as well and some of the construction and structures I see in 1:50 scale is amazing. 

Question. How hard is it to convert 3 rail locomotives or rolling stock over to 2 rail?

Rolling stock conversions are not too bad, sometimes it is as easy as swapping out the trucks and drilling holes to mount for Kadees.  Other, more involved, conversions can require disassembling the truck, cutting off the Hi-rail "lobster claw" coupler apparatus, e.g. using a Dremel cutoff wheel,  and then installing new replacement 2-Rail wheelsets.  Some conversions may even require building a new body bolster now and then, but this is rare.   The hardest part is just finding the 3-Rail models that actually make good 2-Rail models, but there are some gems here and there.   Aftermarket 70T and 100T roller bearing trucks are commonly available in both die cast and brass.

Locomotive conversions can be more significantly more involved.  Rule of thumb, always, always, try to purchase a 2-Rail model right from the get-go, if at all possible, even if it is more expensive – you will save in the long run.  Some manufacturers produce models in both 3-Rail and 2-Rail, e.g. Atlas O, Sunset 3rd Rail, and occasionally MTH.  Some 3-Rail manufacturers, e.g. MTH, will produce models with 3/2 conversion kits available (these kits generally consist of scale wheelsets, and new fixed pilots [to replace the Hi-Rail swinging pilots] but the conversion kits or models that were built to use them can be difficult to find.  Lastly, some manufacturers only produce 3-Rail models, e.g. Lionel, so conversion to 2-Rail is completely up to you and will probably require access to machine tools, e.g. small lathe, mill, etc.  Most modern era imported O scale brass models currently out there are 2-Rail, although 3rd Rail and Williams have done a fair amount of 3-Rail brass (but mostly steam and electrics).  Word to the wise.. if you want a new model that is announced, especially in 2-Rail, pre-order, pre-order, pre-order, because the odds of finding this model in 2-Rail on the open market is not very good.  Sometimes your odds are better to win the PowerBall lottery and then go out and buy a factory in China to have them make the model that you want than it is to find it for sale on the open market .  This is another area where 3-Rail wins is open market availability.

Scott Kay

Austin, TX


Last edited by Scott Kay

Scott, I see what you are saying about the certain locomotives like the sd40-2.

It kinda reminds me of what I deal with in S now. I can find certain cars and engines that would be nice, but they are hi-rail with very little detail and since I'm all bout scale, I normally don't have much interest in the older low detailed hi-rail stuff. That's just my personal opinion.

It seems like O 3 rail versus O 2 rail is like S hi-rail versus S scale. Same kinda principal somewhat I suppose. From what I'm seeing anyways.....


I've found O Scale to be a headache compared to HO,not cutting down the scale by any means, just being honest from my personal experience. I've had to convert 3rail diesels to 2rail and since I lack the knowledge,I have to pay to get it done. You'll have to convert a lot of 3rail equipment to 2 rail as the 3rail market is the leader in sales. This is just a  disadvantage of being a 2railer,but 3 rail is just too unreal to me. I LOVE the size,but may have to relocate to a smaller environment,so O Scale's on "hold" right now instead of "full speed ahead."

MTH,Lionel,(to a small degree),and Atlas, offer change over wheel sets for converting the 3 rail freight to 2rail. MTH offers 2&3rail diesels in their Premier line as well as a "change over" wheel sets for their Premier Diesels. So far I've had an MTH GP38-2 in the CSX YN2 scheme,engine number 2788,converted from 3 to 2rail,and a GP40-2 MTH CSX Diesel,in the YN3 boxcar logo scheme,as well as a CSX SD40-2MTH,(YN3 scheme),all converted to 2 rail. I had 2 of the GP40-2s ordered from Mr Muffin's but the order was messed up and I only got 1 2rail version.

Happiness in O Scale will depend on how long you like your trains to be,space available & finances. I have a lot of plastic kits now,have sold my best HO,so can I "make the grade"so-to-speak in O Scale for what else I desire,I don't know will be a close call.

If you're definitely ready to make the change to O Scale,I'm going to list my CSX 2788 Diesel for sale. It's only been run up&down some flextrack to make sure it runs. It has a few cab doors that open and is a nicely detailed engine. Would like to get $350 for it though I have more in it.

My biggest problem now is what home I get to stay in. Been at this location since I was about 4yrs old,am 60 now.

You sound like you got building your structures whipped as well as converting rolling stock,so think you've got a great O Scale future. The questions I mentioned are just things you've got to consider as well as the availability of the equipment available for the industries you want to model. 

Good luck to you.

Al Hummel



Got this email showing 2rail MTH Diesels with scale wheels. Hope this helps.

Al Hummel

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Hurry Before They're Gone, Just Five Or Less Premier Line 2-Rail O Scale Items Left To Sell!

January 30, 2018 - We inventoried the warehouse last week and found five or less of each of the items featured below.

Item No. 20-3490-2 Noisy Le Sec 141P Mikado Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 3

Item No. 20-3491-2 Venissieux 141P Mikado Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 5

Item No. 20-5633-2 Veolia Transport Germany TRAXX P160 AC2 Electric Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 5

Item No. 20-5661-2 NJ Transit ALP 46 Electric Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20530-2 Alaska GP-40 Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20593-2 Norfolk Southern SD60E Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 5

Item No. 22-20594-2 Norfolk Southern SD60E Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20595-2 Norfolk Southern SD60E Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20639-2 Kansas City Southern AC4400cw Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20647-2 Detroit Toledo & Ironton GP38-2 Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20648-2 Norfolk Southern GP38-2 Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 5

Item No. 22-20655-2 Norfolk Southern SD45 Low Hood Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20656-2 Norfolk Southern Dash-9 Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20658-2 Norfolk Southern Dash-9 Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20680-2 MBTA F40PH Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20681-2 MBTA F40PH Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20710-2 CSX 3GS21B Genset Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20712-2 Union Pacific 3GS21B Genset Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20713-2 Union Pacific 3GS21B Genset Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20733-2 BNSF Dash-8 Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20736-2 Union Pacific ES44AC Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20746-2 Florida East Coast SD70M-2 Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20747-2 Florida East Coast SD70M-2 Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 3

Item No. 22-20750-2 Electro Motive Division SD70M-2 Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20751-2 Electro Motive Division SD70M-2 Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20752-2 Canadian National SD70ACe Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-20803-2 Southern Pacific AC4400cw Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-20804-2 Southern Pacific AC4400cw Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-3543-2 Reading 4-8-4 T-1 Steam Locomotive w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-3624-2 Pennsylvania 4-4-2 Atlantic Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-3633-2 Western Maryland 2-10-0 Russian Decapod w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-3638-2 Susquehanna 2-10-0 Russian Decapod w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-3639-2 Union Pacific 4-12-2 9000 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-3640-2 Union Pacific 4-12-2 9000 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-3641-2 Union Pacific 4-12-2 9000 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-3642-2 Union Pacific 4-12-2 9000 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 3

Item No. 22-3709-2 Southern Pacific 4-8-8-2 AC-6 Cab Forward Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 3

Item No. 22-3717-2 Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 Big Boy Steam Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 3

Item No. 22-3719-2 Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 Big Boy Steam Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-3720-2 Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 Big Boy Steam Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-3749-2 Southern Pacific 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-3751-2 Southern Pacific Lines 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-3752-2 Southern Pacific Lines 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-3754-2 BNSF 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-3755-2 American Freedom 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-3757-2 Western Pacific 4-8-4 GS-6 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Item No. 22-90940 Brauerei Warteck Basel 6-Car European Bierwagen\Reefer Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-90941 Maggi 6-Car European Kühlwagen für Nahrungsmittel\Reefer Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 5

Item No. 22-90943 Bierbrauerei Falken 6-Car European Bierwagen\Reefer Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-90944 SBB CFF 6-Car European Gedeckter Guterwagen\Box Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-90945 SBB CFF 6-Car European Gedeckter Guterwagen\Box Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-90946 SBB-CFF 6-Car European Gedeckter Guterwagen\Box Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-90947 SBB-CFF 6-Car European Gedeckter Guterwagen\Box Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 3

Item No. 22-90949 DHL 6-Car European Modern Kesselwagen\Tank Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 3

Item No. 22-90951 On Rail 6-Car European Modern Kesselwagen\Tank Car Set (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 4

Item No. 22-99041 Brauerei Warteck Basel European Bierwagen\Reefer Car (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 2

Item No. 22-99046 SBB CFF European Gedeckter Guterwagen\Box Car (Scale Wheels)

Quantity Remaining: 1

Your local M.T.H. Authorized Retailer can order them for you today!

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I love all the things that HO offers. I wish all scales would offer just half of what HO does, I just want the bigger size. 


I grew up with ertl 1/64 farm toys construction equipment, so I have ALOT of S scale equipment . I also had a few HO train sets growing.  As I got older (I'm 33 now...I know I I got interested in S scale trains so I could put my farm toys and trains in the same world and I've really enjoyed the last 7 years collecting. 

Problem is, I find myself stuck with S. I just wish I could find more modern rolling stock. That's my biggest issue. The other issue is norscott and other toy makers are just not producing much of the machinery or equipment i want to see.......

O however....they have some amazing things. Everything from more modern locos and rolling stock to 1:50 scale construction and farm toys that is love to collect. It's pricey, but I can see me buying many pieces building a nice collection. I really do appreciate the thoughts and opinions. This is the info I'm looking for in order to make a decision. 



Last edited by snowmanw900
prrq2 posted:

You do realize that O scale is not true O scale. The with of the track is 5 foot not 4 foot 8 1/2 ". This would be 17/64. There was a time when  My loco made locomotives and cars to scale.  Welcome  to O scale .

I've heard that. I know in S gauge versus S scale we run into that somewhat. Most of the scale stuff that comes out now has been really close though. The hi-rail stuff alot of times is way off. Trying to convert some hi-rail stuff to scale sometimes is a waste of time in my opinion.


Last edited by snowmanw900

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