Boxes, last time my son looked in my garage he noticed the high level storage that was filled with, train boxes. Now the time has come and all those boxes are coming out and being filled. I've rented some climate control storage where I'll be putting everything while the house is made ready to sell. However some of those boxes were old and fragile, the glue long since lost it's usefulness. Everyone has a way of regluing box parts and over the years I've tried most of them, but the one I've come to rely on is Duro All Purpose spray adhesive. Using cardstock I mask around the area (sounds complicated but it's just laying some pieces where I don't want glue) and give it a quick spray. Move the cardstock and press the box together. The advantage is the box never gets wet so there is no distortion or coloring and the glue is just tacky until it sets and won't bleed through and stays flexible so it won't crack.
Now it's time for me to quite playing on the internet and get back work boxing up trains.
Mike in NC,