Only changes I do are to the passenger cars to get them re-oriented 'front to rear'.
I don't do 'cards', etc.: I have about 1000 cars and I'm not about to make a card for each car. The two yards hold about 350-400 cars each so imagine trying to find a car in the yard! Plus I'm a 'rail fan'. I like to, randomly, pick an engine and run it with a string of cars. I allow those to operate the layout to do the same. Someone wants to run an engine, 'hook' it to a string of cars and run it on the mainline. With 175 engines, I think operators enjoy just picking out an engine and 'running' a train. They get to run an engine that they, probably, have never run or seen on a layout. I don't want to dictate that an engineer has to run this/that train. The mainline is made to 'run trains' being 400' long: if one goes to the upper loop enter-change and back the run is 950'. That's over 3 football fields. I enjoy watching several 'engineers' on the mainline, both going East and West, and the dispatcher routing/holding trains on passing sidings. I do have 4 towns where one could do some 'switching' plus one can do a lot of switching on the logging railroad. I think most of the engineers enjoy the 'laissez faire' atmosphere.
Personally, I have no interest in 'thinking' when I operate my railroad; I just want to enjoy it with trains running through the scenery. Maintaining a large layout, installing decoders, lights, etc. is a lot of work so I just want to 'run trains' after 'working' on layout 'stuff'.
PM the layout.
PRR centipedes imported by BLI in 2019.
Last Tuesday the 2 engines were shorting when pulling a 14 passenger car train.
Disconnecting the engines and they ran fine. The same was with the 14 passenger cars; moving them, by hand' along the train and no shorts.
I thought I'd try the engines with a freight train and they departed the yard OK but the engines started to short when on the 'grade' pulling 23 freight cars.
These engine use to work fine pulling the passenger cars.
I removed the shell and checked the 'guts' and all looks good plus no 'burned' decoder.
I'll have to email BLI and see if they think I need new decoders.
I know it's not the CB or 'command station' since I run 4 SF PA's, all powered, by Walthers and no shorts.
The engine and freight cars ran fine on the 'level' track:
The PRR passenger cars; of the 14, 8 are brass plus lighted so I thought, initially, too much 'juice' for the CB's.

Initially, I thought the 2 engines were 'pulling' over 1.5 amps but, after turning off power to the layout, the amp draw was at 1 amp so total for the centipedes was not as high as I, initially, thought.

I have ON/OFF switches to the right of each CB so I can turn off power to each district.

The centipede with the 'shell' removed.

Only one motor so there shouldn't be an 'overload'.

Today I ran these 4 'all powered' PA's and no 'overload' problems so the centipedes have some internal problems.

I, also, ran my 'heavy weight' GN R-2 2-8-8-2 to test if the CB's were being 'over loaded' but she ran fine.
Imported by Tenshodo in 1972.



The lead unit, in the past, was 'not running' for a second or 2 and then 'run' again.
I took the shell off and added some oil and ran it as well as with the other 3 units and all seems OK now!

4 'indentations' to remove the shell.


I had to 'reverse' the SP passenger cars so I used them in the test.

An AC-5 imported by KEY in 1984 is 'normal' power for the SP passenger cars.

Had two 'breaks' in the rail that I had to re-solder.
This throttle was not 'working' correctly but is OK now. Maybe a 'low voltage' battery!

New deliveries.
Ordered some more Scalecoat paint.

Found some more TCS 1517's at around 100 bucks each. I used to buy them for $93 but they now sell for around $125.
That gives me about an extra 15 1517 decoders.

Intermountain wheel sets.
Didn't need these but they were at a good price and rather have them in case they stop making them.