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Hi All,

I would like to take this time to say Happy Thankgiving to everyone! I would also like to say thanks to the OGR forum for teaching me along the way. There are so many great People here you just can't list everyone, but a few people I would really like to thank are.

Carl-Moonman, Matt Makens, Gunrunnerjohn, Adriatic, Stann2004, Matt Jackson, P51, Mo985, Alex, Larry, Barry, Basil, Trainman2001, Elliot-BigBoy2005, GGG, RTR12,Suzukovich, Dan p., And Laidoffsick.

I know there are so many more great people that I have forgot to name, but I could be here all day with names.

I hope you all have a safe and Wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends!

Last edited by mike g.
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Mike G, great idea, so, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family.  I agree, all of our Friends in the OGR Family have made 2016 a Wonderful Year.   Thanksgiving Is a Very Special Day, one that encourages us to say Thank You to OUR US MILITARY, both Past and Present, Our Country Leaders, but MOST OF ALL, OUR FAMILIES. So, I to wish all our model Railroader Friends, Happy Thanksgiving...Enjoy the Moment.



mike g. posted:

Hi All,

I would like to take this time to say Happy Thanks Giving to everyone! I would also like to say thanks to the OGR forum for teaching me along the way. There are so many great People here you just can't list everyone, but a few people I would really like to thank are.

Carl-Moonman, Matt Makens, Gunrunnerjohn, Adriatic, Stann2004, Matt Jackson, P51, Mo985, Alex, Larry, Barry, Basil, Trainman2001, Elliot-BigBoy2005, GGG, RTR12,Suzukovich, Dan p., And Laidoffsick.

I know there are so many more great people that I have forgot to name, but I could be here all day with names.

I hope you all have a safe and Wonderful Thanks Giving Day with your family and friends!

Mike, thank you and I wish you and your's a happy thanksgiving day today.  

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I  enjoyed all the great posts this year.   I loved the bacon turkey picture, and was greatly tempted.  However, I was outvoted once again and we went with Dukes' mayonnaise.  Looks weird but tastes great.  I hope that everyone has plenty of turkey and something or someone to be thankful for and to share our thanks with.  I am thankful that so many divergent people can come together on this site and share their thoughts.  Although this really isn't a train related response,  I often read comments on this list serve that open my eyes to many great ideas that are only tangentially related to trains. 





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  • dukes mayonaise

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