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Swafford, I have two bridges on my Standard Gauge layout built by Damian at Mainline Bridges.  The first was a stock item I purchased, he had made it for G scale but it has just the right clearances for some of the new bigger standard gauge.  It is 48" long, built of welded 1/2" box tubing and powder coated, and it's the strongest thing on the layout, I could literally drive my Chevy pickup over it.



MainLine 1

MainLine 2


I was so pleased with it, I contacted Damian and asked him about custom-building a bridge I wanted for the layout.  He had never built anything for standard gauge, so I sent him dimensions, specs, a tracing of the curved track.  The result is this beauty: an engineered 63" long arch-under trestle section with an 18" straight girder approach on one end and a 22" curved girder approach on the other end - total length 8 ft. 7 inches.  



Arch 1

Arch 2.1

Arch 3

Arch 4




The work is highest quality, his welds are perfect, very fine metal work.  And Damian himself is a pleasure to work with; a real craftsman.  I had the arch trestle also powdercoated in gloss black, as the gloss goes better with my tinplate layout; but he will do any finish, and he usually does matte finish with some weathering to look more realistic.


I can't recommend Mainline bridges highly enough.  Very high quality product and a positive experience all around.




Images (6)
  • MainLine 1
  • MainLine 2
  • Arch 1
  • Arch 2.1
  • Arch 3
  • Arch 4

Thanks to forum member Arno (moderneraSG) who pointed me to this thread: "Hey, don't you have one of those?"


It's really fun to watch a big train thread its way along the top of that narrow arch, secure as can be:




Us standard gauge guys have a limited number of pre-war bridges to choose from, and from the beginning that was just unacceptable.  I love bridges, and have as many on my layout as I can cram in.  If any of you haven't already done so, go to the Main Line Bridge website (link in the original post) and click around a bit and look at his bridges, this guy is a craftsman.




Videos (1)
Arch Trestle Movie

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