This new "strategy" of deleting shipped items from the list is one of the most ill-conceived approaches Lionel has taken regarding their online shipping schedule -- especially for a customer-facing document.
If the approach has any kind of internal merit whatsoever, that's fine. But then they should have two "sections" to the schedule: one that shows all items yet to be shipped (sorted by product number), and another section that shows all items shipped during this calendar year (also sorted by product number). And then at the end of a calendar year, one final schedule showing all items shipped that year could be saved for reference/archive purposes.
This is not rocket science, and I hate to harp on the undoubted costs associated with Lionel's new level of executive management. But sometimes I just wander why companies are so top-heavy these days as opposed to spending money down in the ranks where everyday employees actually "get stuff done properly".
Just calling it the way I see it.