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@B Smith posted:

The Forum home page indicates 28,933 total members. Why is Chris Dunn being coy about the meaning of his reference to 76000?

The total member number refers to "official" active/joined members.  We have FAR more that have inactive accounts (they don't post) and are in read only status.  I will contact Chris to see if I can figure out what he is talking about.

I got a message form the forum bot saying anyone who has posted more than 10 times gets $76,000 USD of credit toward purchasing items from forum sponsors.  I got my $76,000 notification last night, I'll be buying all PS3 locomotives and selling off my PS1 and PS2 versions, and I'm also going to buy all new gar-graves track and switches.  And an automatic coaling station.  And some track cleaning fluid.  And smoke fluid.

Let me know what you guys plan to buy with your $76,000!  This will be a good thread.  Big time win for forum sponsors!

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