Ok, I have an odd question. This past Christmas my daughter bought me this MTH lighted ladle car:
And I just picked up this Santa Fe caboose with a lighted 'end of train' beacon on the rear:
Now here is my question-after a couple of days of very light running on new fastrack and new CW 80 transformer, my Santa Fe 2353 postwar hooked up to 3 old flatcars with no load, this ladle car and a caboose was running just fine but the ladle car light was no longer working. I chalked it up to a defect and figured I would just have to return it for refund. Then the next night I fired up the train and the ladle car light was working fine again. Strange, but ok I say to myself. After about 6 laps around the track, the entire train just stops dead, no power, only thing working are the lights. Resetting transformer made no difference-time to troubleshoot, so process of elimination and I remove the ladle car (which smells like something is starting to fry now) and the old Santa Fe 2353 roars back to life and runs flawlessly. So I figure the ladle car has some defect in the electronics and put it off to the side for returning to wherever my daughter ordered it from.
Fast forward to the other day and my little red LED flashing ATSF caboose arrives in the mail. I hook it up to my old O-27 oval and my old Scout engine with some lightweight flatcars and my old Lionel 60 watt transformer from 1960 or so and everything is working just fine, the little caboose light is flashing around the track and my 2 yr old grandson is loving every minute of it. Deja Vu all over again - a couple days of light running and I have the old Scout chugging around the oval for my grandson and me and after a couple laps around the track, the train stops dead and -NO POWER. Now, at first I figure that maybe the old transformer just gave up the ghost with no warning, but past experience with the ladle car makes me remove the new lighted caboose and sure enough, fire up the transformer and the old Scout roars to life and heads around the track just fine.
So now I ask, are these 2 rolling stock cars DC only and running conventional will kill everything? Or do I have some bizarre gremlin of bad luck with my new cars? I don't have enough expertise to even guess what is up, so I am throwing it out to you for advice.