First, my apologies, I haven't been on the boards in months, just busy with other things. I did manage to get trains set up at church again this year, but I have to admit, I get the most fun out of setting up some old O27 track on the floor at home from the living room to the dining room. I can't help it but the simplicity of O27 speaks to me. So on to the issue. I am using an old 1033 Transformer. According to old instructions I am using the U post for the middle rail and the A post for the outer rails giving me up to 16 volts. I am trying to connect a Gateman to an insulated section of track. I know the insulation is good because I run another accessory off of it. Following an old Lionel manual again (1965) I am connecting the three wires this way: Common wire on post C, and lamp wire on post B. So far, so good. I think that's 11 volts to the lamp. Nice glow. I run the Coil wire to post A as a test and the Gateman snaps open strong (16 volts according to manual) but when I connect the wire to the insulated rail which ultimately goes to post A as well when the train passes, I am getting some current flow even when the train is not on the insulated block. Any ideas? Thanks.
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