I have a question on the cost of the Lionel Operating Forklift Platform.
I did a search and came across a thread a couple of years back (https://ogrforum.com/t...ader--why-so-much--1) but that didn’t really address my question as to why this item is priced so high.
Contemporary products to the 264 Forklift (97 Coal Loader and 342/5 Culverts for example) at the time were larger in size (.ie more metal and plastic used for its construction and thus should cost more) and could be considered has having more intricate working parts and more complicated to work. The #264 for the most part, operates like the Oil Drum Loader that American Flyer produced, which along with the Lionel reproduction, doesn’t come anywhere near the MSRP of the Forklift Platform.
From what I understand the original 264 came with the 6264 Wood Flat Car as part of the package, so that may have been the reason for the higher cost. However, the current editions offered by Lionel do not include the Wood Flat Car, but have MSRP’s at are listed as $249 for the 6-14000 (Tubular) and $279 for the 6-24270 (FasTrack). What made/makes the Forklift Platform so special that the price remained so high even though half of the 2-item package was no longer offered?
I understand how MSRP’s work and for the most part they are set very high, but the MSRP sets the starting point at which sellers or buyers operate from lower or higher. Thus if I came across someone selling the Forklift Platform for $125, I’m conditioned to automatically think that something is wrong with it, or it’s junk. I can understand if post-war editions are scarce and thus the market raises the price, but there is nothing scarce about an item that has recently been produced or is currently produced that would justify the higher price.
Please note that I’m not complaining about the price, I’m just trying to figure out if anyone knows the reasoning why it was so high to begin with.