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For starters did you add the legacy engines to the dcs remote?   Unlike proto-2 lionel command engines must be manually added to the  dcs remote. You also have to know the TMCC address. That's  the number you press when running with the cab-1.... Ex   Engine/ 23/ boost.  DCS will ask for the address, in this case 23.

Do I have to put them in program mode

Only if you need to edit the engine's internal address.

and can I still use my legacy controller too


For details, refer to The DCS Companion 3rd Edition. It has an entire section describing using TMCC and Legacy with DCS.

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more is all in “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at OGR’s web store!
Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

Barry you lost me (again)   I don't understand  why you would need to place the run/program switch to program  if you know the TMCC address?. If you don't know the address you make up a fake engine and then can  create a legitimate address with the edit tMCC address command .... Is there something special or different  with legacy?

The program / run switch is only used when adding an engine to a Lionel remote, and by creating that address, so in your example engine /  #23 / boost means you have just added engine 23 on that specific Lionel remote.  One you have done that you switch the engine back to the run mode.  

When you add the engine to the MTH remote you do not need to have the program / run switch in program.  It asks you the number.  The number was already assigned.



 The problem with running the Legacy thru the DCS, is you loose the ability to control your switches

Whoa there buddy - that's not exactly correct!  

DCS has a very nice method for controlling switch tracks and accessories, from any manufacturer, which is also less expensive than using Legacy/TMCC hardware.

The cost of a DCS AIU, which controls 10 switch tracksand also 10 accessories, is $120 MSRP. That works out to $6 per device controlled. Is there any Legacy controller that can control an accessory or switch track at that price?

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

I do run  both systems  but can't get the legacy trains to do anything with the dcs remote 

For details regarding integrating DCS and Legacy, refer to The DCS Companion 3rd Edition. It has an entire section devoted to exactly how to use TMCC and Legacy with DCS.

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more is all in “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at OGR’s web store!

Is that a business you are in?

The IRS thinks so, however, if the profits were what I had to live on...  

I'm the author of The DCS Companion book, which is currently in its 3rd edition. If you click here, you can read Jim Barrett's OGR Review of the first edition. The book has grown considerably in content since that time, from 168 pages to 242 pages.

The book contains everything I've learned in the 15 years or so that I've been using DCS and been a DCS beta tester for MTH. I have little fear of contradiction when I say that it's the most complete book regarding DCS - since there isn't another DCS-only book available anywhere from anyone.  

Click on the link below to purchase either an eBook (pdf) or printed copy of the book.

DCS Book CoverEverything that you need to know about DCS is all in “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at OGR’s web store!
Raiderofcoffins posted:

I do run  both systems  but can't get the legacy trains to do anything with the dcs remote 

How far can you get? 

You should be able to add the engine if you know it's TMCC address.

Menu/System/ engine set up/ add engine/ Add TMCC engine.

A list of letters comes up. (name the engine anything you want. and hit the "D" for done.

Not done yet... A list of TMCC IDs  shows up . Pick the one you use if running with the cab 1 (eng??? )

Now we're done..... The engine will be in the inactive list. select it to bring it to the active list, select it again to bring it up on the main screen....... Start her up.

If you have the right TIU  / Legacy cable it should run,  how far can you get. Fire couplers, whistle, anything? 

Last edited by Gregg


   I forgot to insert the word wireless in my initial post, although the DCS can run Switches thru the AIU and be controlled by the DCS Hand Held remote, you must wire every switch thru the AIU.  Not so with the Legacy/FasTrack control system, all is wireless, this wireless engineering technology is where the money difference comes in to play.  Remember Barry I once used the DCS AIU set up also.  I will spend the money for the wireless engineering Technology, in reality IMO MTH needs to develop an engineering wireless package similar to Lionel's also, along with up-grading their RealTrax Switches, to accommodate all Tin Plate Trains.  For this reason I run both Legacy & DCS.  Although my layout has inner RealTrax loops, all the RealTrax Switches have now been completely eliminated from my Christmas layouts.  Legacy/FasTrack Wireless Switch technology, IMO is the way to operated a layout, especially a Multi level layout.  Next Christmas season I may try to transition in and out of the RealTrax loops with FasTrack wireless remote control switches, we will see how all this works out, this next Christmas.  Now if MTH would develop the wireless remote control engineering to operate both RealTrax Switches and FasTrack Switches at the same time, that sir would be big time Engineering.   A man can only dream!




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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

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