Ok, I have a minor problem with this new Fastrack. Instead of hooking 2 wires to a terminal section, these new terminal sections have some type of "plug-in" adaptor plug for receiving power from the transformer. I can not find any place that has whatever type of plug-2 wire adaptor, that is required. What is the best way to convert this to good old 2 wire?
1. Take screws out of bottom cover plate, , cut wires off plug, and splice on new wire? ( Screws seem to have been installed with Locktite!)
2. Pull wire connectors off of little tabs and find a new connector that will fit onto tabs, and add desired wires? (Connector appears to be soldered to tabs under rubber cover!)
Either way, it looks to be a pain to convert, compared to the old terminal sections that just had 2 wires sticking out.