I mentioned in the Scenery Forum that I am building a small N Scale layout as I do not have room for my big trains this year. Last year I had my O layout on public display and I already know that even though this new small layout will be nice, it will not have the wow factor of last year's layout. I had smoke, sound and lots of detailed scenery. In the O trains people could see everything and setting up different scenes around the layout was fun. I enjoyed the reactions when they found Bigfoot in the forest or the kids playing basketball under the elevated trolley, the mining scene in the tunnel and the superstreets running through the town.
While the layout this year will be enjoyed by many, the small size really takes away from the detail I can achieve with O trains. I call it a flea circus. I like trains of all sizes. I grew up with HO, but I am glad in my adult years I made the switch to O. I still have everything ready for my next big O layout; kids are getting older and I will have an extra bedroom sooner than I will know.
Thanks for everything the group posts here it is an inspiration and pleasure to watch.