Yeee haaa.. On one siding on my setup, if a DCS PS2 engine is sitting there, it starts up when I put power to the layout! Headlight on, sounds...sometimes moving the wheel will get it to go forward, sometimes not.
Sometimes the direction button changes the head light (a diesel), sometimes not. Sometimes hitting the shut down button works, sometimes not. Rev 4.2.
Three PS 2 engines do it. Sometimes it fires up,headlight on in stealth sound but light on! No where else on the layout do they come on w/ power on....just that siding.
Since that siding is between two realtrax switches, but the isolated third rail is just up from one switch, I thought maybe it is not getting enough voltage, since it gets its power/DCS signal from the switch at the other end, which....wait for connected to another switch off of the mainline! Back to back...but with a 5" insulated center rail section for the DCS blocking.
Maybe it is the engine, so I do a factory reset. I hate that...I had it all the way I wanted it. Same symptoms.
So, I fire up the track, engine comes on, I check the voltage w/ handheld. It reads .50 volts. I know this can't be, so I grab a meter.....17.9 volts. I am using a Z1K brick for each channel.
I then put another PS2 on....same scenario. I use handheld, chk volts: 51.1 !! fiftyone point one! CAN'T BE! I have a bunch of PW transformers hooked up, plus the other 2 Z1K bricks, so I think, "maybe something is out of phase." I check, all looks good.
Phasing problem, must be. I unplug everything but the Z1k feeding this block in the loop and check it....51.1. I use the meter.....17.9.
Put on another engine, remote reads 18.1. Move engine 2".... remote reads 4.4. Meter still reads 17.9. All engines were sitting, one at a time, on the section of track that joins up w/ that O72 is a 30" track section.
Put on another engine, remote reads 18.1 meter reads 17.9.
Engines on that track, fire right up when power is put to track via DCS. A weird anomaly folks. I enclosed a drawing for anyone who wants to try to wrap their head around this one, but I think the problem is that the siding needs another feed from the Var 1 tap on the outside loop...even though the trains seem to run fine through the section. And yes, all batts are good, one is a BCR.
At least I do not really have 51.1 volts to the track. Wonder what is up with that?
Best of luck to the DCS gurus. Sounds like you got your work cut out for you here. (oh yeah, track signal reads 10 on each engine!)
Greg double click on dwg to enlarge it.