I retired!
April 20th was my last day pulling a throttle. It was a bittersweet experience. A lot more emotion than I expected, especially when the Trainmaster's voice broke when saying his goodbye. Didn't realize how deep the friendships had become over the years. Instead of dancing in the parking lot like I thought I would do, I was, frankly, quite sad as I quietly walked to my vehicle to go home from work for the last time.
I'm enjoying this retirement thing, but I can already see that I miss the better parts of railroading. Kind of sucks to think I'm not going to be handling tonnage ever again. If I happen to see a video of, say, 5 or so vintage SD's on 14,000 tons storming by at track speed (or working hard pulling a grade), I really miss some of the mainline running I've done in the past. It also kind of smarts to realize I won't be dropping off the hill at track speed with an all-Alco consist and whoa-ing up to yard a 7000+ ton sand train... brake shoes squealing as I bring the speed down and make a smooth, slack free stop. It's these kinds of experience and memories that will be sweet the rest of my life.
Yes, so many good memories about the railroading. However, given my age (66), as well as the hearing loss/etc, (I dreaded the yearly hearing tests), and other significant stress factors, it was time to pull the pin and go to the house.
Here's a pic I snapped when going back to get my grip and stuff off of what may be the last engine I will ever run:
All fer now!