GameBreaker, you're on to something here.
I have a 20-2205-1 Pere Marquette E-8 A-B-A set with PS/1 that I bought new back in the late 1990's. Since the late 2000's I've been thinking about upgrading the A's to PS/2, and because I've been rather slow at doing it, now more recently PS/3.
I've known for a while that some, but not all, of the older PS/1 sound files were somehow converted to a PS/2 format, or perhaps re-recorded in that format. You can download them from the MTH site. Search for the product number of a known PS/1 model and if you're lucky you'll see an icon upon which you can click to download the new file:
Unfortunately there is no such file for my E8's. The icons are greyed out. So, I'd like to do what you suggest.
I have a couple TASCAM portable recorders, of two different types, usually used by musicians to capture their work quickly, without the bother or expense of using a formal recording studio. They have surprisingly good record quality, and can store in several formats including MP3.
I'd like to temporarily fit a cable between the speaker in my powered E8A and one of the recorders, via the recorder's mini-audio jack input. I'm thinking that two alligator clips on the opposite end of the cable can attach directly to the speaker terminals. Having done this before to pull audio off of other devices, like telephone answering machines, I think it will be successful, but there may be some 60 Hz buzz because of the AC powering the engine.
Here's my problem: I'm still too busy. I'm currently supporting COVID-19 Back-to-Work preparation efforts at several manufacturing facilities simultaneously.
Q: How long can you be patient?