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Our train club has grown now to 50 members and just this last fall we had over 500 visitors to the club. This growth and the the large amount of vistors has made us question the need for liability insurance in this day of sue happy people. Right now the club is located in a church and is covered only when the church has a "official" program and we participate, such as a Christmas event.

What if any do other train clubs have, or have thought about this insurance topic.

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I belong to the Watertown Model Railroad Club

Out of Watertown New York. We have a show the 1rst weekend

after laborday every year. the club has a million dollar policy.

The club also attends a show in Massena New York. The local club

has an insurance policy that covers exhibitors and dealers.

I have an individual 8'x12' O gauge board I take to shows and as

always, the local club that invites me has coverage.

Originally Posted by algomafan85:

Thanks for the replies. I know that this is not a topic that usually comes up in model railroading but the cost of insurance will really have a definate bearing on whether our club or other clubs can really afford to be open to the public in the future.

In your case maybe always include the church in your open houses? :-)


Some local groups (not trains) that display in various venues have been told they need their own insurance for their protection in addition to the venue host and organizer insurance coverage as it may be more for covering them than them and you the exhibitor. 

I am a member of River City 3 Railers here in the Richmond, Va area. We are a SIG (Special Interest Group) aka "O Gaugers" of the RF&P train club out of Ashland Va. Our dues to RF&P are used to cover our share of the insurance. One very good reason to play nice-nice with the HO and N scale guys.



This is an interesting question and I must thank the OP plus those of you who have responded.  I'm the treasurer of an O gauge club here in the Atlanta area and I guess I've never given insurance for the club much thought.  We don't have our own building (the club layout is in a Hobbytown USA), but we do set up a traveling kid's layout at area shows and events.


You guys have given me enough concern about this that I'm going to speak with one of our members who is a lawyer to see if he believes liability insurance would be wise.



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