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I wasn't sure where to post this inquiry, but I believe at the time the items I'm inquiring about was during the K-Line/Lionel merger era. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the following statements. All of the info presented here was found on-line, so it may or may not be correct . Evidently, there was a set consisting of six pieces - an MP-15 locomotive, three flatcars carrying misc. farm equipment, a boxcar, and a caboose that were made available only to employees of New Holland, Ford Motor Company's agriculture equipment division. From what I found on-line, the first one (the boxcar) came out in 1992 and subsequent pieces were released every two years thereafter. Does that sound right? Does anyone have the catalog numbers on these pieces? I find that having the correct number they were cataloged under often makes searching for them easier.

Back in 2020, it looks like a complete set was listed on eBay from a seller called "chloe50pepper" from Ephrata, PA. I don't think it sold. Does anyone know who that is or how to get in touch with them? I appreciate any help anybody can provide. It seems this set is one of the lesser-known offerings by K-Line, judging by how little info I found.


Last edited by Just Havin' Fun
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Lionel started selling "K-Line by Lionel" on behalf of K-Line's former overseas manufacturer( Kadee, Santa Kan? Can't recall exactly which). Basically, Lionel was a distributor of what was left to come out of the factory but that's all likely besides the point.

What is relevant to your question is that the aforementioned event happened over 2005/2006 to part of 2007. If the set started in 1992 with that boxcar, each subsequent car and the loco were released every 2 years, and there's 1 MP-15, 2 Flats, 1 Box, and 1 Caboose- then that would lead to 2000 which is well prior to K-line by Lionel.

I'm not sure if this link will help as I don't think it covers the items for which you are looking, but here are K-line's Ford products from 1999-2005/6.;p_road_name=Ford

You could also check under the KCC listings. The website is pretty extensive while not being totally all-encompassing.

K-line made a number of specialty sets for certain companies(in PA they made a PPL set for PPL employees). Haven't found a resource that has compiled all these sets.

Finally, I think there could be two similar types of items from which you may "mixing up" the details. First, their were some exclusives that K-Line began producing and that Lionel sold in a Lionel box. These offerings included a CSX SD70Mac, an Alaska RR SD70MAC, a Santa Fe SD75M and a Conrail loco. Also, Lionel sold a Dept. 56 set that was arranged by a hobby shop out west. I believe this began in the 1990s and ended in the early 2000s. Just a thought that one of those might be in the back of your mind.

I hope this post was at least somewhat helpful. Best of luck in your search!

I am aware of the following:
1. MP15 K229-103E. This is the employee edition. #1857. I think K229-103 is the "regular" version.
2. Boxcar K649106E a traditional "classic" boxcar #1673.
3. Flatcar K691-9011EE. Ertl farm machinery: round baler, square baler and a mixer.
4. Flatcar K691-9014. Ertl farm machinery: forage blower, box spreader and skidsteer- made for the Bellville, PA plant.
5. Flatcar K691-9015EE carries a combine. It is unclear if it is Ertl.
6. Caboose K619-106, numbered #1964.

Last edited by Überstationmeister

Thanks so much to StevefromPA and Uberstationmeister. My inquiry wasn't posted for one hour before I got a response. You guys (and gals) on this Forum are awesome! Now I'll start looking for these items. I'll let you guys know if I find them. I'll try posting in the "Wanted" section immediately. Merry Christmas to everyone!

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