So I have a diecast 2 bay hopper from K-line that has the sprung trucks. One of the screws that hold the hopper on sheared off. I was able to get the old screw out, thankfully. In the process of messing with it, I started to take apart the trucks completely. As a result the springs came out. Unfortunately when I tried to put it all back together I couldn't get the springs back in....and they flew (boing!) out of my hands. Most likely gone forever in the carpet. lol. I should have stopped after losing one, put it down, can came back to it later. But no....I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed....I had to try all of them....and lost them all!!
So I have a few questions.
Does anybody know the specific part numbers for the screw that holds the truck as well as the part number for the springs? I have an email into the folks at Brasseur Electric Trains who appear to still have this stuff in stock, but figured it might be faster here. there a trick to getting the stinking springs back in the trucks on these? I mean they are assembled at some point, so there's got to be a decent way.
Thanks all!