Join Us On TrainWorlds Facebook Live Friday, June 9th At 10AM EST
With Alex Kovach From KATO
We Will Be Showing And Talking About The Following Product
N Scale Milwaukee Road Hiawatha (Pre-production samples of course)
North American Crossing Gate
Protein Gondolas (SBTX and BN)
V60 North American Street Track
FEF-3 (Freight and Excursion) and GS-4 (With Sound Box)
1. Don't have a facebook page? Don't worry you can still go to our page and just click "Not Now" when they ask you to sign in. I encourage you to sign up for facebook if you would like to ask questions.
2. Can't make it for that scheduled time? I will post it to youtube and post back later on so don't worry!
3. How can I participate and ask a question? Under the video you can post a comment or question! I will ask him while I am talking to him and presenting.
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