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Good morning,

I recently purchased a Legacy M1 in the prewar, pinstriped version (2431400), and straight out of the box, the right side front marker light on the pilot (left if looking at the smokebox, image attached for reference) would not work. Everything else works fine, and while I don’t want to void the warranty, this seems like a simple fix. Has anyone else had this issue, and if so, what fix ended up working? I know one other M1 owner had the same exact issue at York, but I wanted to see what the forum thought. Also, has anyone noticed how Lionel smoke units have been noisy lately straight from the factory? The M1 also has that issue happening. Thanks!


Images (1)
  • exported_3EA871F0-2BC5-4C54-A245-7526992D3DAA: Marker light out
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9 times out of 10, it’s a connection issue with class/marker lamps. Sometimes the way the factory has to bend the tiny harness can cause a lead to come undone at the LED. If you’re not in the warranty voiders anonymous club, you’ll have to send it back to Lionel for repair,…..there’s no pixy dust we can recommend sprinkling on the failed light to make it work. Lionel’s newer smoke motors are notoriously noisy. Ask for a replacement, and it’ll be just as noisy……Hooray for low-bid vendors!……most of us swap the motors out for MTH motors, but you’d need to be in the warranty voiders anonymous club, and know the secret squirrel handshake,…….😁


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