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@GregK posted:

So are memberships open at the moment?

Sure they are, life kinda blindsided me there for a bit (on top of everything else I was diagnosed with Covid AFTER I Got vaxxed and developed pneumonia to boot so my holidays were real fun).

I'm hoping to get back into trains more than I have been over the past few months, the more I look at the hollow core door I picked up for a small proof of concept layout the more I realize that a full sheet of plywood is my true calling. I have a number of projects I want to get started on and I realize I ain't getting any younger. I do have one question that I'd like to toss out to the group, I recently tried to order some MTH parts (HH-5200187 - Semaphore Arm)  from Braussers (Train Doctor) and my security system wouldn't let me, said the site was not secure, has anyone else encountered this with them? I know I should have gotten the parts back when MTH was a going concern but like may of us I figured they'd always be there like Lionel. Does anyone know of another parts dealer who may have them?

Well, until later....


Last edited by baltimoretrainworks

So, how does a fella go about entering the realm....?  I have used a 4x8 layout for my AF S for years under my main layout.

Plus I did have this 4x8 O layout before this current one I have. I always go for more loops so stuffed two loops on this one.


Here is the current S layout with two loops as well.IMG_8467IMG_8468

And before it was S it was Marklin ho so tinplate three rail ho lmao.  With the Marklin I could stuff three loops, probably could have stuffed four loops with a little more effort.100_0670100_0673

And before that we had the Marklin set up on a folding table lol.resource12

Now I want to set the Marklin up again since I got a roundhouse section, but I don't want to take down the Flyer just yet.


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Last edited by Dennis Holler

Jerry, yours is a recurring Covid story,  I know countless numbers of vaxed and boostered folks who have subsequently contracted the virus.  This is a result of governments abandoning the preventative measures in favor of a vaccine that will not prevent one from getting or spreading the virus.  It just prevents 99% of hospitalizations and death.

Hey Jerry- Sorry about the covid and pneumonia. Glad to see you back on the forum.
Covid ran through our house and wiped out the holidays for us too. At least we are all on the mend. No vax in our house and we all did just fine. I will leave it at that.

Good to hear that the train projects are going to get moving. Keep us posted on your progress.

I'm tempted to start building a switching layout that I designed a few years ago for a 38" door.

@Dennis Holler- I would say that you qualify on several levels......

@GregK- A classic 4x8 is all that's required for entry.


I recently tried to order some MTH parts (HH-5200187 - Semaphore Arm)  from Braussers (Train Doctor) and my security system wouldn't let me, said the site was not secure, has anyone else encountered this with them? I know I should have gotten the parts back when MTH was a going concern but like may of us I figured they'd always be there like Lionel. Does anyone know of another parts dealer who may have them?

If that's the MTH version of the Lionel 151, Lionel semaphore arms from Train Tender will fit.  You may need to do a bit of finagling with the pin; one of the two has a thicker semaphore arm pin, IIRC. 


Great thread! I’m just getting back into it after my mega crappy basement layout stalled after 15 years, and once again has morphed into an oversized work bench, lol.  I have since turned half of my office into a tinplate paradise.  Currently, it is dressed as a Christmas layout.  This started out as a single sheet, but then started to grow towards the ceiling.  Can I join?  😁D7D4AE2F-7347-44BA-942C-97B55B5C486359819DCC-0CA3-4374-B2D4-7C0C1515C3A6


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@RSJB18 posted:

Hey Jerry- Sorry about the covid and pneumonia. Glad to see you back on the forum.
Covid ran through our house and wiped out the holidays for us too. At least we are all on the mend. No vax in our house and we all did just fine. I will leave it at that.

Good to hear that the train projects are going to get moving. Keep us posted on your progress.

I'm tempted to start building a switching layout that I designed a few years ago for a 38" door.

@Dennis Holler- I would say that you qualify on several levels......

@GregK- A classic 4x8 is all that's required for entry.


Hey Bob~

I've been away for a while and definitely got my inherited train going!! I'm on a 4 x 8 plywood in the living room. (Not my suggestion of location but I'm pleased as punch!!!) Wondering what I need to do to be a member of whatever part of the 4x8'ers? Pretty soon I'll get some pictures of my really rough layout from this complete new guy!!! Take care.


For Christmas time, my wife added some “Christmasy” things to our 4’ x 4’ Lionel 027 layout. I made it to be similar to a 1956 type layout. I have my Lionel 1615 switcher work train set that I got for Christmas that year on this layout  and also a copy of my brother’s Lionel 520 electric engine and train. He has his original at his house. It is amazing how much fun a small layout can be!


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@WP posted:

For Christmas time, my wife added some “Christmasy” things to our 4’ x 4’ Lionel 027 layout. I made it to be similar to a 1956 type layout. I have my Lionel 1615 switcher work train set that I got for Christmas that year on this layout  and also a copy of my brother’s Lionel 520 electric engine and train. He has his original at his house. It is amazing how much fun a small layout can be!

Nice layout. And love the 520 Box Cab Set. Sort of a forgotten classic.

Jerry wrote: "I recently tried to order some MTH parts (HH-5200187 - Semaphore Arm)  from Braussers (Train Doctor) and my security system wouldn't let me, said the site was not secure, has anyone else encountered this with them?"

This is a problem caused by increased internet security.  A few years back, the url address for businesses in e-commerce changed from HTTP to HTTPS, with the added "S" indicating a "secure" connection.  Only problem is, adding the "S" required businesses to pay higher annual fees to maintain their website.  Many, many smaller businesses are either not aware of this or just don't want to be bothered with the added costs required.  Thus, when you shop one of those smaller vendors, you, the buyer, will get the security warning.

In my experience, the "warnings" usually don't prevent you from completing the transaction.  You just have to jump through a few more hoops and click a few more buttons before the transaction will be completed.  All of this is just an effort to make you think about where you are transacting business (help you avoid "phishing" or phony websites by bad actors).


@Samplingman posted:

Great thread! I’m just getting back into it after my mega crappy basement layout stalled after 15 years, and once again has morphed into an oversized work bench, lol.  I have since turned half of my office into a tinplate paradise.  Currently, it is dressed as a Christmas layout.  This started out as a single sheet, but then started to grow towards the ceiling.  Can I join?  😁

James- great layout. As long as you are below 32 sq ft The 48 club is for you. Up to 45 sq ft puts you into Division 59. Jerry should pop in at some point and can add your name to the list.

@NYC 428 posted:

How about a 8x16 layout?  What membership does that qualify for?

Unfortunately nothing here, other than the envy from the members of that large of a table.

@WP posted:

For Christmas time, my wife added some “Christmasy” things to our 4’ x 4’ Lionel 027 layout. I made it to be similar to a 1956 type layout. I have my Lionel 1615 switcher work train set that I got for Christmas that year on this layout  and also a copy of my brother’s Lionel 520 electric engine and train. He has his original at his house. It is amazing how much fun a small layout can be!

One of the best little layout's I've seen. Great work John.


Has a minor relapse yesterday, chills and such but woke up fine this morning so I'm hoping all this is finally behind me. I have been picking up a few lead figures online for the layout, I kinda want to go "Old School" on the looks of anything I build right now. My next step is to scale the red roof station platform my grandfather had on his layout from the photo I have of it and build a new one. I'm also on the hunt for the Skyline building in any condition so I can reverse engineer them using Platruct  and Grandt castings. In particularly on the hunt for the 689 Bungalow and 604 residence .....


I'm also on the hunt for the farm set they made in HO and a few oddball Revell/AHM farm out buildings they had on the layout.

The only building no one in the family can identify is a Spanish style house...


I'm pretty sure it wasn't a Skyline kit but other than that no one remembers anything about it or where ever or who ever got it so if anyone out there ever had one I could use all the info I can get. I have over the past several years accumulated 6 rolls of the mountain paper and I have also gotten a large number of aluminum reflectors for the C7 lights for the tree, I even scored several of the NOMA angels similar to the one they had (I have all the colors they made, my folks only had the silvery white one) so the plan is to one day recreate the above layout as close as possible, and hop the the cats are old enough now to ignore it, my "Lionel showroom recreation layout" if you will.

But that's what I have been up to recently, my SCARM program crashed on me so until I upload the new version or bite the bullet and buy another RR-Track program all my layout designs are napkin doodles.



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Glad to see you back, Jerry. There was another company that made houses similar to the Skyline ones but I do not remember the name. I have two and a friend has two more. The names "Victor" or "Victory" are hovering at the edge of my mind, but I am not even sure of them.

EDIT: These are the ones I mentioned, they were mine (from the former WB&A Tractioneers layout) and are here on a friend's layout (for like thirty-plus years!!). I am not sure about the green tower but the white w/green roof next to it and the white/red trim/grey roof one by the two log-filled gondolas are from the un-remembered kit maker:


In this photo the white/red window/tan roof and the tan/glossy dark green roof are also from them:


When he brought them over to give back to me, he asked if he could keep one, I let him keep two as they do fit well on his trolley layout.


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Last edited by PRRMP54

I've seen that red trimmed white building before but I don't remember where, it might have been at the Engineers Clubs layout on Saratoga Street in Baltimore back in the day.


It might have been there at one time; several traction-oriented Baltimore Society of Model Engineers members formed the WB&A Tractioneers and built an overhead-only layout in Irvington (literally just across Frederick Ave. from the Irvington car barn). One of them probably took that building (and maybe some others) that had been on the trolley side to the new club. When the Tractioneers faded away, I saved some of the buildings and when I moved to Florida, I let my friend put them on his layout so they stayed in Maryland.

@Artie-DL&W posted:

Dave, the white building with green roof looks just like a building I acquired from a fellow forum member. It strongly resembles a building my dad had on the layout I had when I was young. I think it’s this Yank Model Research kit. I’m slowly working on building this kit.


Thank you for the reminder. That is exactly the name that I was thinking of; I only remembered that it was vaguely WW2-related. Good luck in completing it. It will be interesting comparing it to one built over sixty years ago.

Last edited by PRRMP54


It seems whenever we start a layout we either have a pretty good idea of what we want or a vague generality that hopefully yields something we like. Track planning software is helpful in that it allows us to change things quickly as the moment or reality strikes us and for the longest time I would design mine using the tried and true method of pencil, paper, compass and ruler which to be honest was frustrating as all get out most times. Case in point, when I first started posting a weekly track plan for the 48 Club I would start with an idea of what I wanted and most times just stuck with that and put any evolved ideas on the back burner for later but this week I decided to post the evolution of this weeks layout.

The design was for O27 track figuring I could pack more trackage into a given 4x8 layout but I wanted something that was more than just a loop or figure 8 or switching between two loops so after fidgeting around with SCARM for a bit I came up with what I thought was a pretty simple but not simple looking layout...


It didn't fit quite right on a 4x8 sheet of plywood so I decided to cut 6" off the end split that and attach it to the sides and make it 51"x90" but I still didn't like the symmetrical look of it so after a some more tweaking I came up with this guy....


It was as far as I was concerned a big improvement but still a little too symmetrical and I'd really like to make it easy for someone to build by eliminating the need for making a couple of 3" strips and the involved carpentry hassles of assembly for any potential newbies. Since I always liked the idea of oddball angles on a layout to make for more interesting scenery I decided to go back to the 4x8 sheet and to angle out the whole "switch end" a bit which left me with this design....


Now you have a triangular area in one corner for some type of large industry, in fact that whole right side lends itself to an industrial type of setting, that long stretch between the two mainlines in front is an excellent place for a station and the large area in the center can be for a small town and farm or a small city and the left back corner could be home to a mountain with a double mainline tunnel (a personal favorite with me ever since I saw one at the Engine 45 firehouse train garden in Baltimore when I was a little kid).

Now I could keep fooling around with this and probably come up with another dozen permutations of this idea including a small trolley loop in the center or a loop on the top of the tunnel but you get the idea.

If anyone is thinking of building any of these the cut tracks are marked with their sizes, I know 2.81" or 8.47" seems a bit picayune but I haven't really worked much with O27 so I'm not familiar with the flexibility of it in actual use so I just went with what SCARM said they were, your milage may vary. Any short tracks that aren't marked are 1/2 sections of straights or curves and all the rest are full sections of track.



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@RSJB18 posted:

I'd add a couple of short sidings in the middle to be able to switch out an industry or two.

I've noticed that I tend to design layouts for just running, I never really got into the whole switching thing like many do, I probably need to incorporate that into a few designs but given my history it's gonna be a learning curve for sure.

On the 48 Club front I'm hoping to get back into it more like I was before I fell off the planet. I guess when you get an idea like this it starts off with a manic phase of "We could do this" or "This would be cool" and the ideas just keep coming and then they either dry up on you or it becomes a bit if a grind for honestly no real reward (other than personal satisfaction). I liked the club cars and locomotives we came up with but unless we grow deep pockets or find a benevolent benefactor they are probably gonna be one off individual things. But still there are some ideas that are easily doable for us like a billboard for the layout proclaiming your membership (I am working on a few ideas but I actually have at least 7 billboards by various makers so I'm not sure about a one size fits all thing but who knows.

One thing I' looking forward to is i have a friend who is into N gauge and he's getting married this year and buying a house. He has shown an interest in building an N gauge version of the Lionel showroom layout which should it on a 4x8 sheet so I'll keep you guys informed on that front.


I'm updating the membership rolls to add the following members:

Evan Miller
Dennis Holler
Greg Kwolek

Bringing the total to...

Founding Members
1. BaltimoreTrainWorks
2. Amfleet25124

Charter Members
1. RSJB18
2. Conductor Earl
3. bptBill
4. CA John
5. Walt Rapp
6. M. Mitchell Marmel
8. Coca Cola Guy
9. Nucci
10. Rich Wiemann
12. graz
13. Melvin P
14. Mrhobby052
15. Khayden93
16. palallin
17. John E K
18. Miggy
19. pdxtrains
20. SouthernFan56
21. randr
22. Will
23. Dave Warburton
24. GG1Guyy
25. Diverging Clear
26. Penn Flyer
27. Coach Joe
29. JohnnieWalker
30. Robert S. Butler
31.Mark Boyce
32. Jon Stachowicz
33. Madockawando
34. ScoutingDad
35. Darrell
36. PRRMP54
37. Mallard4468
38. PRR Mark
39. Berkshirelover726
41. Ryan Mc
42. Plankowner110
43. justakid
44. Pre-War Steve
45. WP
46. Fatman
47. Artie-DL&W
48. Brewman 1973

Honorary Members
1. Harry Miller ... My grandfather
2. Jerry Makowiecki ... My dad
3. Thor Sheil
4. Alan Arnold
5. Allen Miller
6. Rich Melvin
7. Ed Boyle
8. Jim Barrett
9. Putnam Division

Century Club Members
2. Whit M
3. GMan-24
4. Engineer Bob
5. lehighline
6. Eric in Houston
7. Scott R
8. Craftech
9. Brian Defazio
10. John SW
11. Bogart
12. Punkrockpub
13. Evan Miller
14. Dennis Holler
15. Greg Kwolek

Division 59 Members
1. DaveP

I've been a little lax in this department so if I've missed anyone let me know. I'm doing my best to make my SCARM program work but even after 3 re-uploads it still is acting sketchy, I have noticed it started after I had my Nortons updated to cover all our electronics in the home but I don't think that should have been an issue.

Given that this weeks layout for some reason gave me fits figuring it out (I did have an epiphany moment where I did figure out a simple way to do it) I feel it lacks what I feel is any originality other than its shape altho the angle idea does lend itself to a number of ideas.

I started with a 48x96 with a diagonal cut from the 58" mark on one side to the 38" mark on the other side giving you 2 right trapezoids and you flip one and butt the 2 cut sides together to give you the base you're going to be working with that has a 135 degree bend in it ( I really had to dust off my trig knowledge for this one, I can see Sister Barbara shaking her head now! ):


You'll need to channel your inner Bob Villa to frame it the best way for your particular skill sets !

I came up with 2 ideas, one with 2 loops or track for those who don't have a large diversity of track and a slightly more involved one using a 45 degree crossing and a couple of switches:


Track List"

20 - O31 curves

15 - 10" straights

2 - 8.125" straights

2 - 5.5" straights

2 - 5" straights

2 - 2" straights

1 - Remote Control section


Track list:

19 - O31 curves

8 - 10" straights

1 - 8" straight

2 - 6.375" straights

1 - 6.25" straight

3 - 5.5" straights

3 - 4" straights

1- 3.9" straight (yea I know)

2 - 2.25" straights

2 - 2" straights

1- 45 degree crossing

2 LH switches

1 - Remote Control Section

I'm not sure f just what circumstances would dictate such a design other than just something different than the same old same old rectangle or square and the more extreme the angles the more difficult it becomes to wedge in a track plan, at least in O gauge, in fact cutting a sheet of plywood corner to corner and flipping them gives you something that looks suspiciously like this...

See the source image

Anyways, I hear tell of a football game on tonight, might look into it.



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Fastrack O-36 circle should be 40 inches on the outside edge if I remember correctly. I had a 4'x4' layout with 2 loops, the O-36 Fastrack 8 pieces of 45° curve circle was the inside loop and the outside loop was O-36 Fastrack with a fitter piece of both 1-3/8" and 1-3/4" between each piece of 45° curve  track, and it just fit onto the 4'x4' board. Unfortunately I don't know the size for O-31 Fastrack but since it won't fit inside O-36 Fastrack it can't be much smaller, maybe approx 36"?

A friend who is new to the OGR Forum sent me a message asking what the 48 Club is.  I described it to him, and told him he qualifies for Division 59.  I'm sending him a link to this thread to help him get on board.  Maybe others who qualify with small layouts will see it too.   Wow!  I didn't realize we had 21 pages!!   @Lyinel Just tell us about your layout and we take your word for its size.  When Jerry @baltimoretrainworks sees it, he can add you to the list.  You can copy the Division 59 graphic that is in the text of this thread and add it to your signature line if you wish.

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