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This is what I came up with for smaller layouts based on the 2400's...


I'm thinking passenger cars are all black with a yellow stripe along the car thru the windows bordered by a gray stripe top and bottom with a yellow "pinstripe along the roof and floorline, black lettering (art deco font for the "THE 48 CLUB" moniker which appears only on the lead end of the baggage/post office car) on yellow parts of the car. Yellow lettering on black areas (Trebuchet font), not sure if I want to go with 481, 482, 483 etc like the first cat or go with 21481, 21482, 21483 to signify the year of the founding but if we go with that minimal lines thing art deco was known for I'm liking the 3 digit numbers better. All the other passenger cars would be black, yellow/gray striped and only carry the car number to keep the lines looking clean. Of course the observation car would have a drumhead with the logo on it. I have been thinking about taking a page from the Lionel Blue Comet cars and naming the cars after American authors from the 20s and 30s, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Eliot, Steinbeck et al. As you can probably tell I've had a lot of time on my hands today for long range day dreaming. I think a string of passengers cars in that livery would look slick running around a layout.



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  • 482400baggage

(grin) 2400s sound good too! 

if you're using a remote switch, perhaps some sort of relay to automatically switch tracks?  Use the far bumper as a sensor, and when it bumps, the switch switches tracks. 

On my old layout I used the coil and 2 sets of contacts from an old set of O22 switches that let me alternate 2 trains in different directions on the same loop using a passing siding. When one train would enter one of the passing sidings it would thro the relay which A killed the power to that siding and B powered up the other siding allowing that train to move on. The switch tracks were wired together so when one went straight so did the other and the same on the curves. I had a lower lever that only showed about 6 feet of straight away and it would flip people out that one train went by left to right and a few seconds later another came thru right to left. Some where I still have the diagram I drew up and the schematic for it operation, if I find it I'll post it here, might be somehting that could be used by others.


This is what I came up with for smaller layouts based on the 2400's...

Yellow lettering on black areas (Trebuchet font), not sure if I want to go with 481, 482, 483 etc like the first cat or go with 21481, 21482, 21483 to signify the year of the founding but if we go with that minimal lines thing art deco was known for I'm liking the 3 digit numbers better.

How about 4801, 4802, 4802 et cetera?  This would imply at least 100 cars in the series... 


This is what I came up with for smaller layouts based on the 2400's...


I'm thinking passenger cars are all black with a yellow stripe along the car thru the windows bordered by a gray stripe top and bottom with a yellow "pinstripe along the roof and floorline, black lettering (art deco font for the "THE 48 CLUB" moniker which appears only on the lead end of the baggage/post office car) on yellow parts of the car. Yellow lettering on black areas (Trebuchet font), not sure if I want to go with 481, 482, 483 etc like the first cat or go with 21481, 21482, 21483 to signify the year of the founding but if we go with that minimal lines thing art deco was known for I'm liking the 3 digit numbers better. All the other passenger cars would be black, yellow/gray striped and only carry the car number to keep the lines looking clean. Of course the observation car would have a drumhead with the logo on it. I have been thinking about taking a page from the Lionel Blue Comet cars and naming the cars after American authors from the 20s and 30s, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Eliot, Steinbeck et al. As you can probably tell I've had a lot of time on my hands today for long range day dreaming. I think a string of passengers cars in that livery would look slick running around a layout.


While I don’t have a horse in this race, I must make an observation... wouldn’t a bar car be more efficacious???

@RSJB18 posted:

Face it Paul- you really want to join. That leaves you two options:

1- rip out your current layout and build a 4 X 8

2- Build a second layout on a 4 X 8 sheet of ply.

Wait- I just thought of a third-

add a 4 X 8 layout ABOVE your current one.

Now we're cookin' with gas!

Your friend and enabler

Bob... I think not!!!

1 - It took me nearly 60 years to finally get a decent sized layout, so there will be no ripping!!!

2 - I have too much work to do on the current layout to even consider embarking on another layout!!!

3 - please refer to #2 above

And I don’t consider you an enabler, Bob... I have no need for enablers, I am dangerous enough without any help. Now bad influence... that seems a more appropriate appellation

P.S. my central Engine Yard/Servicing Facility is 4x8... does that count???

I thank you humbly for the inclusion and the elevation to charter member status. And at the risk of being presumptuous, I feel we need a tinplate chapter for myself and our prewar brethren, and so I took the liberty:


And we would need the appropriate club car, both in style and diminutive size:


I will present these to the membership for consideration.



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  • 48-club-tinplate-chapter
  • Club-car

My last table top loop runner layout was a 52x96 in 2017-18 that used for my 2017 Christmas layout, so it wouldn't qualify.  As it is, I can't locate the photos .  I had extended the sides by 4 inches so that I could run O-36 and O-48 loops when I ran O Scale and have a 24-inch radius curves when I ran my HO Scale trains with 80+ foot long cars.

So up for consideration is putting two Cosco banquet tables side by side: 60" wide, 72" long. Throw a green table cloth on, set up some Fast track, Plasticville, a few accessories-- instant layout.With such an arrangement I figure I can get at least two independent loops, one Fast track at 036 and maybe a tubular 031?

Does a 5x6 make it under the rules of the 48 club?

@pdxtrains posted:

So up for consideration is putting two Cosco banquet tables side by side: 60" wide, 72" long. Throw a green table cloth on, set up some Fast track, Plasticville, a few accessories-- instant layout.With such an arrangement I figure I can get at least two independent loops, one Fast track at 036 and maybe a tubular 031?

That's actually my show setup.  I generally get a 48" Fastrack oval, a 36" Fastrack oval, an O27 oval and a trolley back and forth in that space, with Plasticville structures scattered about. 


@Apples55 posted:

While I don’t have a horse in this race, I must make an observation... wouldn’t a bar car be more efficacious???

It would , just trying to show the most decorated car of the consist. But since you brought it up...

The number 485? Well 48 for the club and it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Now what would be your adult beverage of choice back in the day ? Me? Martini with 2 olives, since Jack and Coke hadn't been invented yet.



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  • mceclip0
Last edited by baltimoretrainworks

The whole layout is 23 feet long and the width varies from 11 feet for ten feet on the near end and 13 feet wide for the rest of the length at the far end.  Obviously with the curves, there's also some variances there as well, the larger bump-out sticks out another 18 inches on the left side far.  The layout program says 350 feet of track, I suspect that's pretty close.

I really wanted to join, but alas, I exceeded the limits but a few square feet.   I'll just watch from the sidelines...

That's ok, I would like to join the big layout club, but my tiny house with a wet basement and low attic has no room for one. So I am vicariously enjoying your build, and the layouts of others at the "grown up table."

My last table top loop runner layout was a 52x96 in 2017-18 that used for my 2017 Christmas layout, so it wouldn't qualify.  As it is, I can't locate the photos .  I had extended the sides by 4 inches so that I could run O-36 and O-48 loops when I ran O Scale and have a 24-inch radius curves when I ran my HO Scale trains with 80+ foot long cars.

That would be the 4.38 Club.

Sign me up! Out here in ”Basement-less Land” (a.k.a. California) most layouts are squeezed into extra bedrooms, as is mine. 4x8 as a necessity.

We make do.

Luuving your Voice-over work MR. Warburton! Fan of Kronk in Emperors new groove. <Why don't you have basements in California? > Here in Minnesnowta, we keep our water in them, 10,000 lakes and all that

Hey fellow 48'ers. some progress here.

Found: 1.) location for layout

Found 2.) Chief Engineer in charge of the SCRAM Planning has set a layout on paper.

Found 3.) Wood for supporting the two 4x4 plywood.

Things are looking up! He likes the disappearing train mountain but that looks like a level that requires another trip to the wood depot and actual engineering plan and, WELL, SKILZ!


p.s. may I add the club logo to my signature yet?Miggy-Owns_Photo1Miggy-owns-photo1bMiggy-owns-photo2


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  • Miggy-Owns_Photo1
  • Miggy-owns-photo1b
  • Miggy-owns-photo2

It would , just trying to show the most decorated car of the consist. But since you brought it up...

The number 485? Well 48 for the club and it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Now what would be your adult beverage of choice back in the day ? Me? Martini with 2 olives, since Jack and Coke hadn't been invented yet.


Sign me up for one!


Last edited by Mrhobby052

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