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@Ron045 posted:


I did a lot of research on this forum and sought the same feedback you are seeking now.  These were the things that were passed on to me...

Don't think now... Think 10-15 years from now when you are older and not as mobile.

Can you physically reach everything on your layout from a standing position?

Do you want to crawl on the floor under the layout to get to access hatches?

You have a 13x16 grid.  Is this the size of the room or just the size of the layout?  Can you walk around it?  If not, how to do plan to get from the open area on the bottom to the open area on the top?

Bob (RSJB18) above recommended you consider the height when working on top.  Also consider the height when working on the bottom.  I'm 6'4", so when I need to sit on the floor to work on any wiring for anything, the layout is tall enough so I don't have to crouch and I won't hit my head on anything.

I don't want to derail your plans "pun intended", but you may also want to consider an around the room layout with a lift bridge from wherever you enter the room.  That will put you in the middle and give you access to everything.  It will also make all of your building and scenery easy to install, clean and refresh.

My first layout was a large platform for the kids when they were tots.  When my son was 11 we tore down the platform and started building our around the room layout.  That was 6 years ago.  I'm 52 now and very happy that I do not have to worry about accessibility.  I'm sure I'll be even happier at 62.

Just some things to consider.

Have Fun!


Wiser words were never said

@Chris1985 posted:

Great work @Michael Cimba 040217! Love the train action. I went to post a comment on your YT video but you have it set for kids so I will just post here. That track work is smooth!

Thank you @Chris1985!!  I appreciate the kind words.  One of my goals with this layout is to take my time and do every part of it as best as I can in order to have years of smooth running trains.  Sorry about the YT video.  I took off the kids setting.  I am new to posting on YT and am still learning the ins and outs of it.  I love watching your train content.  Your layout is amazing and is an inspiration to what I'm doing!!


First of all I want to say Happy Memorial Day to everybody. I want to thank all who have served our country and who have lost loved ones in that service, so that we can have the freedom's that we do.  I truly appreciate your sacrifice.  Thank you!


I have been working for a while on the yard portion of my layout.  It is not complete, but I wanted to update the progress I have made up to this point.


I installed and connected the yard lead to my double mainline.  An MTH switch tower sits at the beginning of the yard lead overlooking the yard.  At the end of the yard lead the track splits into 7 separate tracks.  2 go into the double engine house, 3 are for storing and sorting freight and passenger cars, 1 is for diesel engine storage and maintenance including a sanding tower and fueling ststion and 1 siding backs into a coaling tower to load up the steam engine tenders with plenty of coal.


The first tracks I installed after the yard switches were the 2 leading into the engine shed.  I had to get these lined up just right so they would go smoothly into the engine bays of the shed.  The next tracks I installed were the 3 for sorting cars.  I installed 3 gargraves uncoupler magnets at the start of these tracks to be able to split up longer trains.  The next track over is the diesel maintenance and storage track as well as the track leading into the turnout that goes to the coaling station.


I painted the roof of the Lionel water tower a paprika red color.  It blends in better with the other yard buildings in my opinion than the lionel orange plastic it came with.


I haven't decided yet what height I would like the Lionel Yard tower so I mocked it up by setting it on the box, but it might not stay that hi once it's all said and done.


As you can see I just started constructing the coaling station building kit that I picked up at York this spring.  I set it in place just to see how it would fit.  I'm going to wait to finish the roadbed under the ends of the yard tracks until I finish the coaling station to make sure every thing fits properly.  I am also thinking about putting my Lionel steam gantry crane on the track leading into the coaling station as well.  I have to set it out and see if I like the look of it there.  This is what the completed coaling station will look like.20220530_212402

I haven't wired up any of the yard tracks yet.  Each yard track including the yard lead will be switched with toggle switches to be able to turn off power and store any combination of engines and passenger cars/cabooses.

Prior to working on the yard, I installed all the DZ-1000 switch machines on my Ross turnouts for the double track main line.  They were really easy to install and line up especially since all the turnouts are mounted in the Rossbed.  A couple items to note.  Each DZ-1000 comes with 3 different springs to connect them to the turnout.  One is for Ross one is for gargraves and one is for another brand.  It is important that you use the correct spring for whatever turnout you are using, in my case Ross.


Also, the led's in the DZ-1000 switches as well as the controllers can be pulled out using pliers and the positions can be switched to match the position of the turnout.  I had to do this with several switches.

Next up will be to finish the coaling station building kit, then finish the remaining yard tracks, wire up all the yard tracks, install DZ-1000 switch machines in the yard turnouts and finish positioning all the buildings of the yard.

Until next time, happy railroading!



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Last edited by Michael Cimba 040217

Good Evening,

Last weekend I finished up the final track work for the yard.  I had spent some time previously building the coaling station kit that I needed to position, in order to lay the siding track going into the coaling station.  This will be where my steamers fill up their tenders with coal before heading out of the yard.

On this same siding track I also have my steam powered gantry crane.  For this siding, I took a piece of gargraves track specially made for this gantry crane and cut it down so that I would have 2 regular tracks on the ends and the wider gantry track in the middle.  I was able to bend the front portion of this section of track to my switch.  I think it turned out pretty well.  I still have to wire up all the yard tracks, mount the DZ1000 switch motors and wire the gargraves uncoupling magnets.  I also have to wire up the accessories in the yard.

After that I am contemplating ballasting and scenicing the yard portion since I have easy access to it right now and it will be a great deal harder once the 2nd level is in place.

Here are several pictures of the completed yard to this point.  Hope you enjoy.  Thanks for following along!




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Michael, You did a great job on the yard, making the most of the space you have available.  You made such good use, I thought you would have cars sideswiping coming out of the switch curves, but I'm sure you checked that all out.  I agree, you need to do everything you want to do before putting in the second level.  I have forgotten how high it will be, and how much clearance you will have.  I could have put more clearance on mine, but that would have made my grades even more than the 4% I settled with.  I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Take care and God bless, Mark

Thank you Peter!  I'm having fun with it!  Glad to see you jointed the Capital Trackers.  I met a guy at the breakfast last spring York (David Bonner) who's big in the Trackers around DC.  We have been keeping in touch back and forth.  We have a division of the Trackers come to our local festival of trains on the Eastern Shore in December.  Wish I could see your layout at York, but I won't be making it this time.  Will miss seeing you all at the breakfast.  Hope you have a great time!

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