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Hey Folks,

I have about twelve Lionel 022 switches on my layout.  Ten of them work great, sharply snapping to the right or left with good precision.

But two of them are a giving me real problems.   After I throw the control lever, the moving switch rail snaps all of the way over to the other side, firmly hitting the outside rail, but then it "bounces back" about 1/8th inch, so that it is not firmly against the outside rail.   The result is always a derailment of the incoming loco.

All of my switches are pretty old, from the 1950s to early 1960s.   So, are these just plain "worn out"?    Or have I "overlubed" them?   Or is there some adjustment I can make?      Maybe I need to replace that tiny hair-thin hold down spring that is inside the switch, on the "mouse-trap" piece?

Thanks for all information and advice.


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I find that many O22 switched can be brought back by cleaning the electrical contact points (4 rectangular metal) under the slider.  I clean with a bright boy and alcohol.  I have seen them black and not working and then come back after cleaning.  While you are in there check that the non-derailing connections are good.  If you are using track power be sure that the metal is making good contact where the fixed voltage plug goes in.  A light drop of oil on the slider and gear for the switch lantern.  The spring can need replacement but try cleaning first.

Well, it seems as if the problem switches do work well electronically speaking, because the switch rails do snap smartly over to the other outside rail.  But, then they bounce off of it and come back the 1/8th inch.

So, it just seems to me that it is some type of mechanical issue, rather than an electrical or lubrication issue.  Especially since the switches and electrical contacts were thoroughly cleaned and lubed about 6 months ago.  And, I probably only run my trains about 4 hours per month.  (Yes, just an hour a week.)



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