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There have been some really interesting nice scale Diecast trucks being released in 1/43 scale. Diecast Direct one of the main vehicle sales companies that supports the OGR forum and advertises in OGR magazine has several nice trucks shown on its website;

Look at the Neo a bit pricy or the cheaper but nice IXO trucks very very nice with lots of detail for the price, have picked up a few of them. 

I have been trying to find some nice 40 Foot trailers to go with the trucks there is a very limited supply of the old AMT 1/43 40 foot trailer kits if you hunt you can find them on line. I have a good stock of the old AMT truck and trailer kits. The trailers come out at 11 inches long, I note the newer Lionel 40 foot trailers show on the website as 10 inches long they have several available in 2 packs;

Does anyone have any of the 40' Lionel trailers how do they look with the 1/43 trucks???

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ERTL single axle conventional tractor with ERTL Roadway tandem trailer(8 1/4 x 2 1/4, listed in the For Sale forum).


With Weaver tandem trailer which is same width as the new Lionel trailers.


With Berkshire Valley single axle trailer.


With K-Mart tandem trailer.

When placed on our layouts, they all look pretty good.  You could make van or reefer trailers from a piece of wood ripped to either two inches(96 scale inches) or 2 1/8 inches (102 scale inches) wide depending on the era you are modeling.  Cut to length for doubles(pups), single axle and tandem units.  Nose mounted reefers and fuel tanks could be bashed.  Plenty of wheels are available as well as landing gear in extended and retracted positions.

John in Lansing, ILL


Images (4)
  • DSCN0795
  • DSCN0796
  • DSCN0797
  • DSCN0798
Last edited by rattler21

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