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Just got my CSX office cars and put them on the track. They look great behind the CSX F40PH. The problem I am having is that the couplers would keep coming unhooked and I thought it was a problem with the couplers until I noticed that the spring couplers t hat are to extend when going around curves do not always extend and that is what is binding the cars. I am running them on 072 curves. Not sure if all the cars are doing this yet but some of them do. Seems like it gets stuck in the center and not going from side to side like they are supposed to.  Any one else having this problem?  Any suggestions on what would help the situation 

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Jeff gibs posted:

Some of the cars have diaphragms on the ends and some don’t.

I think that you will find that they ALL have a type of diaphragm on each end. From the photos that I have seen, three different types have been applied to the cars. Some cars coming with a different type on either end. But, there is a diaphragm on there. 
A photo would be of immense help.

Last edited by Big Jim

The couplers could be beginning to bend upward as you run the cars.  The post fastened to the kinematic plate begins to bend under the weight of the cars.  The passenger cars a much heavier than the Auto Carriers and 86' Box Cars.  The passenger cars have a thick steel plate with detailed parts screwed to it.

All of my passenger car couplers are starting to bend upward.  (SP and UP sets, and Amtrak Dining Car)  The coupler is ripping the diaphragm off of my Amtrak Dining Car.  Not good.  

My first run C&O, NYC and Wabash cars all had the full-width Diaphragms that hid the fact that the couplers were bending upward.  The couplers were held down by the Plastic Diaphragm floor of the Full Width Diaphragm.

My pictures are blurry because the train was moving in order to put a load on the couplers and get them to show their upward movement.


Images (6)
  • DSCN4761: Upward movement of couplers rubbing Diaphragm plate damaging Diaphragm.
  • DSCN4763: Coupler bending upward damages Diaphragm.
  • DSCN4787: Couplers bending upward after two hours use.
  • DSCN4789: Kinematic plate post bending, causing coupler to pitch upward.
  • DSCN4790: Coupler pitching upward after two hours run time.
  • DSCN4793

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