Either $1800 to $1850 for a new Lionel Allegheny or $1200 to $1400 for a Sunset Allegheny on the secondary market. If you could afford either what would you choose??....the 10 year old (2006) beautifully detailed Sunset with TMCC with older, but good, sound technology with generic articulation sound effects and no whistle steam....or the newer (2016.....we hope) nicely detailed Lionel with state of the art sound effects and whistle steam as well as all of the Legacy features . Detail differences not withstanding, it might come down to the issue of "Is the better sound and whistle steam, worth up to $600 more? What would you choose?
This is not intended to turn into a bashing session ......it's just a hypothetical question on valuations: details, sound, effects, money in or out of your wallet......