Is anyone familiar with the Lionel postwar X-200 set?
I picked one up yesterday, and cannot find any reference in my library or online.
The set came in a display box with the set number printed directly on the box. The cover carries a sketch of the set, and says "The Texas Special".
The contents are: 1055 Texas Special Alco, 6045 Lionel lines tank (dummy couples, archbar trucks), 6042 gondola (dummy couples, archbar trucks), two white cannisters, and a 6047 caboose (one operating coupler). The track and transformer are missing.
The references I used have the 1055 engine coming in two sets in 1959 and 1960. Both sets are the same, and have a 6044 Airex boxcar in addition to what is listed above. These sets have four digit numbers. (I think it was 1105 and 1107).
The Project Roars book on uncataloged sets does not have a listing for x-200. It starts at x-250.
The book does list the 1107 set, but with contents that differ from my other sources.