"The truck sides on the rolling stock are metal; however, the truck itself is mainly plastic so the cars are light weight. At the end of the train they do fine, but up front they can be pulled off curves. I added a couple of ounces over each truck and much better."
Good idea; I did not test mine in the middle of a train, and I have larger curves, so the dynamics are a bit more gentle. These cars indeed are a bit "plastic-truck-Weaver-light".
072 curves can mean some of these issues just never darken my door; if you can afford it in space or space utilization, use big curves. It's worth shortening a few straights to get the longer, kinder, gentler curves and switches.
The perfect railroad has no curves, no grades and no switches, you know.
Dave Olsen:
"FYI, these are not LionScale cars. These are existing Lionel cars and were made in China w/ the new truck design."
What - you mean I was wrong? Unheard of. Mostly. Kinda.
"Does the engine have a high gloss? Hard to tell from the pictures."
Yes - very. As it should in this set.