This is my newest purchase. Another basket case loco. Not running, front truck loose, boards fried and dis-assembled. Just my kind!
Here is what came out of the box........
Started by fixing the front truck and testing the can motor. Motor tested fine so I looked at the truck. It had a attachment system I was not familiar with so it took me a few minutes to tell weather I had all the parts.....figured it out and got it put back together.
Turned to the power system by pulling the boards and sorting out all the wiring and testing the continuity of it.
After it all tested good I used a WbB DCRU board. Mounted it using the Lionel plastic mount.
No sounds or anything fancy....but testing it .....ran like a top!
Connected the lights, zip tied the wires neatly and found some body mount screws. Looked like it had never been oiled so I did that. Buttoned her up and tested....all good.
She is not a puller.....I may go back and add a little weight in the nose. I also have yet to fix a knuckle coupler. But for an hours time, a few parts I had another kinda cool loco.
Lionel calls this an SD28 but it looks a lot more like a SD18....a locomotive C&O bought. So call it what you will...I call it done.