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It seems the ZW-L was designed to control two trains, with two accessory controls.  Personally, I would rather control 4 conventional trains with the "Big Iron"  ZW-L.  What do you think of these possible ZW-L modifications to create a new ZW-4 transformer model from Lionel:


1)  Why are the handles not connected to the inside B&C control rings, rather than the outside A and D dials?  The A&D control rings are already easy to get to.  I suppose obviously because the B&C rings were originally intended for accessories, where you set them once and then rarely change them.  But for those who see the ZW-L as a way to run four trains having the handles on the B&C rings would be a big improvement.  Or, simply have 4 handles, one on each ring.


2)  Seems like the bell, whistle and direction buttons would be convenient if assignable to any of the throttles.   Like power window controls in a car, you first choose whether to adjust the left or right mirrors, prior to making the adjustments.  Again, it seems that the B&C throttles never evolved (in the manufacturers vision) from accessory controls.  Personally, I want to control my accessories with inexpensive CW-80s, not use the "big iron" capability of the ZW-L for that lesser task.


3)  For remote control capability, perhaps the ZW-4 could include an option to control the 4 throttles cost effectively by remote:

3A)  Include a Legacy 1L (the new, coming soon lower-cost controller) command base inside the LW-L, or

3B)  Adapt the new radio control technology being used to control the new Thomas, so that each of the 4 throttles can be controlled by a remote.  [4 different remotes like the proposed thomas technology - or one remote that can transmit on any of the 4 channels - I don't know what would be best. ] 


What other suggestions do you have for the proposed ZW-4 to make it the optimal 4-train transformer?

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Again, as I said on the other thread, I am certain Lione;s solution is simple.  If you want four throttles: get two ZW-Ls. 


 The other two, "inner ring" outputs on the ZW-L emulate the traditional accessory outputs on earlier transformer:  but here the ZW-L give you the option to set the voltage to specific levels on each, so you can run 12 volt LEDs from one, and some other voltage need with the other, or whatever.  Much appreciated.  Only two outputs have bell, whistle, and direction - so it seems clear that while you could use this to run four trains, that is not intended.  And although I'm not the biggest fan of those bell, whistle, and directikon controls, I'm sure i'll get used to them. 

And you can always use an external control to add whistle/bell to those inside circuits.  The ZW was never a true 4 train controller (although it can handle it) and I don't see why an "updated" ZW design should differ in that aspect.


Would a massive transformer with 4 train control circuits and 2 or more accessory circuits be even better?  Sure.  But it would be even bigger and more expensive.


Personally, I'm ok with my PW ZW.  However, I think the ZW-L is really nice, and if I were in the financial position to buy one without second thought, I probably would.

You can run both command and conventional at

the same time with the ZW L. Connect the track

with the conventional train to output A or D

so the horn, bell, direction buttons will control

the conventional train. Conect the B or C output

to the track with the command engine and set the

voltage to max. Set the ZW L to Conv and Track 1-4.


Back to the original topic for a moment - that of having a four-track ZW-4, I wish they made a ZW-L-1 - just one side of a ZW-L - a single track and one accessory output too.  Given that the test I did today determined there is little value in using a ZW-L to run 'Streets, I won't really get my money's worth if I buy another - I have three train loops and two and powered by the ZW-L now and the other, and a 'Streets loop, but the Z4K.  I really want the superior performance of the ZW-L for my third loop but I would really like to just by one side of one.

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