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Bit of a weird first post, I recently got back into the hobby after a 22-23 year break. I was cleaning out old things from my parents house and wound up taking my old trains home. This forum has been incredibly helpful in getting up to speed on new developments and getting some of my old locomotives running properly again, it's clearly a great community.

I started with thinking I'd tuck a 4x8 layout in a corner of my basement, and wound up realizing if I was putting it there, I could bump it up to ~56-57" by 12', with a weird corner thrown in. I'd go a bit wider but it starts making access to the house mechanical room a bit tight, which is why I haven't bumped up to a full 5 foot width.

At any rate, I'm looking for some feedback on the layout I threw together in SCARM (after a few iterations). I'm thinking a small passenger station/town scene on the left side of the layout, locomotive storage/maintenence area on the bottom spur, and a tunnel/hill/mine around the spur on the right, if that helps give any more context to this.

Any feedback is welcome, and thanks in advance



Images (1)
  • 4.5x12ish layout
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I agree with the suggestion to consider adding at least one reverse loop. The other suggestion that I have is to move the outer-loop switch (turnout) in the upper-right corner so that the primary travel through the switch is straight through, not turned out. I would move the switch location up and to the left by one section, even in if it means shortening the adjacent spur, and use a right-hand switch.

I like the kink on the right side of the layout, it will make it more interesting than an oval.

RikTrack made a good point - reversing loops add variety and end the monotony of running trains along endless (and boring) oval routes.  Actually, you need two reversing loops so a train can reverse direction and then reverse again back to its original direction.

Further, consider make the stub sidings LONGER, so you can store a longer consist of cars. If spacing can be provided at each side of a siding, action accessories can be placed of both sides of the track; i.e., a Sawmill on one side, and a Lumber Loader on the other side. One section of track can support two actions.

Carry on, valiantly ...

Mike Mottler   LCCA 12394
(Like you, I returned to the hobby after after a 40-year hiatus)

Thanks for the advice everyone, added another turnout to the inner loop per Chuck's suggestion. See below

@Matt_GNo27, I like the idea of moving that switch up so the mainline goes through straight. Not pictured here but it looks like it works without taking much off the sidings. I'll probably play around with it when I get benchwork built, as the main downside is that I would need a second righthand 0-42 switch (currently have one left, one right).

As far as reversing loops, I might play around with finding a good place to add one in. I've been trying to avoid an elevated section going over everything as it seems like it would make things look a little too busy. I might be able to fit one on the inner loop, is definitely worth looking into.


Images (1)
  • layout update

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