I took my latest clockwork train project to our local Wednesday Morning Breakfast Train Group this morning... and a couple of the guys suggested that I post this here. So, without further ado, I present the Marx Windup Radio Controlled Commodore Vanderbilt:
This project started out with a rusty windup CV shell and a rough Wedge Tender that I had laying around. The motor is a late model Marx Riser-Gear windup that was modified with an extra brake on the governor shaft. The brake lever is actuated by a servo located in the cab. The original governor is still in place to keep the locomotive from overspeeding when the "throttle" is wide open. The receiver, battery pack and power switch are located in the tender. A long screw holds the shell in place with a thumb nut on the bottom of the tender, so the shell can be quickly and easily removed to replace the radio batteries. For now, the antennae is just draped over a couple of cars behind the tender for operation, but I'm going to try some different things to deal with it in the future.
A demo video of the RCCV: