Hello Stephen
Do you still need a chassis ? I have a "kit" engine that might work for you .
Contact me at wasp3245@aol.com
Cheers Carey
Hello Stephen
Do you still need a chassis ? I have a "kit" engine that might work for you .
Contact me at wasp3245@aol.com
Cheers Carey
This is like beating a dead horse. Carey, Stephen, and I model and/or collect in 17/64 scale. We do not collect and/or model in 1:45, or even Q scale. Those of you who wish to model in 1:45 or in Q Scale are of course free to do so. I cannot answer for Carey or Stephen, but I am not willing, at this late date, to change the name or scale of my models. When I croak, and they are auctioned off, you may call them anything you like.
I am sure happy to see them. Nice looking!
I believe Don ran a long train of those cars behind a ABBA set of CLW PAs all lettered AT&SF everything was super detailed. We came to a Narrow gauge train meet at his house once, he had a large basement and a 3 track main circling the outer edge with a lower level narrow gauge setup. Don made a number of the masters for Bill Wolfers E 44s. Does any one know where his models are today ?
Wow those are amazing Stephen thank you for posting them!
The detail on Don's MinI-scale cars are amazing, and I to would love to know what happened to his work, he built great loco's to. Id love to see more photo's of his work if someone has his models or even one. ( cTr....Choose the Right )
Yeah, me too. By the by, I have a really well built S/C Pacific - outside third, and same cab number. It came from my friend Allan Wehrle (RIP). I brought it home tonight for a photo shoot.
O! okay Bob Im intrigued, are we going to get to see those Pic's ? ( cTr....Choose the Right )
Yes, but I have not done the work yet. Heading for class - maybe tomorrow.
Yes. Those are they. Flanges on all is a giant plus. Check with ohmmeter before deciding they are not insulated.
The middle worm is the best drive. You will be pleased with how smooth and quiet it is.
Hello 17/64th fans ... here are a few lovely early 17/64ths pieces that are out there somewhere ....I hope ....
check out the cab forward .... and a scale hand car .. very talented builders, both illustrations from later 30's
Cheers Carey
Thanks Bob when I saw your P-13 ? I wondered if the above frame and drivers could be Scalecraft, thanks for verifying that, i wasn't sure so mystery solved. The cab forward is an impressive model and even more so in 17/64 scale you must be proud of her, I would be ! (cTr....Choose the Right )
Carey Some interesting articals, what publication are they from ? ( cTr...Choose the Right )
Hello all the articles are from Model Railroader late 30's . By 1939 17/64ths was on the slide out from it's peak in 1935 ..thanks to the powers of Lee Green to bring the proper scale to O gauge .... when Lionel came out with the 1/4" 700E in mass numbers and the 763E in mass numbers and half the price .... Congress with the new and improve 17/64th's Hudson could not match the giant .... and 17/64ths...faded .
NMRA with all their riveting counting minutia condoned both 1/4" and 17/64ths as proper scales for O gauge ..at least in the early years .
Something the word "Standards" does not allow the word "or" to come in play ..just saying ..
from the charts you can easily see the rise and fall of the various gauges/ scales .... HO was the invasive species to take over the hobby . Do these charts exist for today's train world ? ..so doubt someone is keeping score
..editors ..you out there with up-dated hard hitting facts about the percentages game as who is in what gauge / scale ?
Thank you
Cheers Carey
Carey Those are some very interesting figures, you've been doing some digging. I think those involved in 17/64 scale today wouldn't even make .1% I think there's some info there Bob will be pleased to see !! If theres any one else out there interested in 17/64 scale they should speak up maybe we can rase the percentages a little. ( cTr...Choose the Right )
I ever show you this? - 17/64 scale, as accurate as I could get it from photos, and runs like a watch with full center cylinder rod and double Walschaerts gear. Also, unlike the one in the Franklin Museum, this one is Purple! The black tender is a "probable" - the real thing was converted to oil on the SP for a run up the Sierras, and "they" say a tender was found with gold leaf lettering. Apologies if one photo is repeated - not sure how that happened.
Wow Bob that is one big engine . marvelous detail .... you could park a Docksider 0-4-0 inside the fire box .... I'd hate to have to shovel coal in that one ..Cheers Carey
Weird. At first I could not get rid of one of the duplicates, then ten hours later both disappear. I will try again.
I deleted all three - I will return them in a clean post. Baffling.
Bob Your own frame, I mean scratch built or what did you use ? Its an impressive model, and I think I like the purple ! Its like a twist on Russian blue. ( cTr....Choose the Right )
Yes. I use 1/4" brass bar, machined in the same fashion as Lobaugh. That gives me the option of using coil springs, although I typically use a really good quality of cork. The sides are screwed and soldered to multiple frame spreaders.
I use aircraft grade cap screws for pedestal binders (axle keepers). And you can see I pride myself in never having gearboxes or drive lines showing.
Maybe I have a photo . . .
Bob Your frames look grate and thanks for sharing them with us, I find them motivating, I think 17/64 is a great scale to build with it gives your build an added uniqueness . ( cTr...Choose the right )
Hello those who know the proper scale for O gauge is 17/64ths ..... so did the folks at the beginning they knew there was a problem .
First year of Model Railroading 1934 .... "we have problem Houston" ... but because so much water has gone over the dam it would be hard to correct this scale thing ..... in 1934 !!!!
Here we have proof that 17/64ths is more accurate for O gauge ....
Read em and weep...
Long live 17/64ths !
Cheers Carey
Carey Thats a really interesting article. So 17/64 goes as fare back as 1928 at least. You cant say that O scale isn't divers, it certainly has a place for just about every one, and its roots go further back than I would have realized. Thanks Carey that was a good read. ( cTr....Choose the Right )
I found this 17/64 scale Mel Thornburgh construction article of an old timer, this would be a great model to build, the boiler looks to be done in nickel silver or German Silver.I love these articals, the illustrations are all hand drawn by Mel I believe, this one from September 1950 MR, but there are quite a few spread through the fifties.
Stephen Bloy posted:Bob I think my interest is nostalgic in nature, but that extra 5% in size is quite attractive. I think I would say that the mass of a locomotive and its rolling stock, in the real thing, is part of the attraction that leads to the hobby itself. So bigger is always better, but we all have our restraints right ? Here's a loco I bought that I believe was built from this article and of course it is 17/64 scale as many of Mel Thornburghs articles where. Thanks to those who posted pictures of models other than Mi-Loco or Mi-n-Scale. (cTr...Choose theRight )
I have that book as well and have always wanted to build one based on it. Not sure I ever will, a million other projects come to mind, but it would be very neat to build.
I've asked before on other forums and threads, but does anybody have any idea what this Hudson is or was? Who made it? I'm pretty sure the frame in front is an Adams, just have not figured out what the Hudson in the background is. The Hudson is a definite doorstop for sure.
Any chance it was a "one-off" scratchbuilt? Those are more common than you might think.
Hello Dennis
Nice door stop with a feed water heater ...... I just picked up a bit more refined doorstop with a feed water heater ...sold as a Scale-Craft ... but much more detail and better execution.... Photos compare a Scale- Craft with the unknown ... note unknown has rivets and more detail ...except the tender which is rivet free... .
Cheers Carey
Hello MI-Loco / Mini-Scale groupies the world round .. I meet Bill Crowe at York and asked if could post his articles about Congress Tool and Die ( Mini-Scale) ...he said ok ...so here they are ... enjoy
Cheers Carey
Nice - thanks. I have one each of the tank cars, and never noticed that they were two half-castings.
Carey Nice find, scoring the Hudson, still looks like a Scale-Craft to me, there frames did change with productions, some had the cover plates for removable axles and some didn't. I have a Min-I-Scale loco with the rivets cleaned of, why? they preferred it, I guess. The second tender I recognise but cant think of the name of the company at this time. The feed water heater, and rivets are interesting, (and the extra detail ) but in all other respects they seem the same. There just my thoughts. I enjoyed the articles and the extra insight into Mi-Loco and Min-I-Scale, Thanks (cTr....Choose the Right )
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