Correct me if I am wrong, but does not MTH DCS allow the operation of Lionel TMCC locomotives albiet by attaching the MTH TCS system to a TMCC component?
Whereas Lionels system does not allow MTH DCS locomotives to run?
Would seem to me that at MTH's own cost, they allow you to run Lionel's (a competitors) trains and thus adds to Lionels profits by allowing us to buy Lionel trains that run on an MTH system.
Lionel does not allow this on their system correct?
Can someone provide a link for this interview?
The DCS system remote can operate TMCC/Legacy engines in command mode is because of the fact that Lionel published the TMCC command codes, and in turn issue those commands via the serial port adapter on the Lionel (and Legacy) command bases with a special serial adapter cable interfacing between the DCS TIU and the TMCC/Legacy command base.
The reason Lionel's system can't run DCS engines in command mode is the same reason why DCS can't issue Legacy-specific commands: because MTH didn't publish their command codes. That is what gives MTH it's competitive advantage, and most likely a big factor in Jerry Calabrese thinking Lionel's publishing their own codes was a mistake, and why Legacy-specific commands are now proprietary, like DCS.