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I hadn't seen this before, thanks for posting. As expected, well done Bob. In addition to the Kenilworth Corridor problem, there's the issue that Eden Prairie is not at all happy for numerous reasons that they have been chosen as the terminus. Despite their dismay and continued political pressure, I don't believe they will be able to change the outcome. We will see.

You're welcome Jon. I thought that was great. Tammy spotted it on the channel 11 website. Of course, what nobody ever says, is that Kenilworth has some of the most expensive homes in Minneapolis. In this case, the public good is being thwarted by a few wealthy NIMBY's.


If I remember correctly, the C&NW originally had at least 2 tracks through there, and there was no "bike trail". I think the only trains that use that track are the TC&W, something like 2 per day.


Greater good perhaps, and I'm for anything that reduces road traffic. But lets not forget these things never pay for themselves. I agree, It's telling that they never mention that the Kenwood-Kenilworth-Lake of the Isles district has indeed some of the most expensive and historic homes in Minneapolis. A lot of Political influence there. It' also convenient to ignore the fact that the rail in this area predates most of that development.


Eden Prairie wishes to avoid the scenario that Mall of America has suffered as a result of it's now direct connection to Minneapolis and it's migrating gang activities. For anyone that has followed this activity it's not difficult to syimpathize with Eden Prairie apprehensions and stance.


I love how the Choo Choo Bob PSA pokes fun at the bicycling-jogging-kayaking-canoeing crowd. My house abuts the Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail, a rails to trails thing. People love it, and weekends in the summer it's just packed. My loving dog is on full alert those days, and any that have a Dachshund know exactly what I'm talking about. One of the few upsides to winter is an abandoned LRT. I sooner go back to the days when an occasional train turned my house into an electric football set.


Here's a link to a CGI video of the proposed path for the Southwest Corridor. It's interesting to note who will reap the benefits, and how liabilities are glossed over. 


Originally Posted by BANDOB:

Interesting discussion. Will be taking a Private RR Car trip to the Twin Cities in late July, and looking forward to seeing the light rail and other TC rail operations.


Any good photo locations appreciated!


Also, any good O-Gauge sights worth seeing?



There is the 2 rail Twin Cities Model Railroad Museum. Forum members are always welcome to visit my layout, if they can stand the unfinished nature and the mess.


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