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Heads Up / FYI !!!!!!!!  

Scott has posted the design pix for the Texas Special / Meteor on the GGD webpage. They are looking Great.  
As usual - ALL Prototypically Correct. (Exterior Not shown - Meteor observation. It is different as it is a half diner and has a Lot more roof add on pieces. Top pic Is Meteor observation car) No other offering has all the Correct Details as This Offering.  

Scott has posted Reservations will close in early 2025.  So time is growing short - time to step up !!!!!!!!  Choice of 3 consists and Lots of Extras are Possible including a B&O thru-sleeper !!!! 😜

Cheers πŸ˜‰

Last edited by TrainBub
@TrainBub posted:

Exactly !!!!!! This is also true for anyone building a do-it-yourself Nat. Ltd. These cars color  β€œpop” in the TS / M consists !!!!!
Be sure to get those reservations Made for these extras for both TS and M !!!!

Cheers πŸ˜‰

I’m considering the frisco meteor 6 car set with a B&O 14-4 sleeper add-on. At this point getting a frisco meteor E7 is a long shot. Can you suggest any other motive power that would pull the train? Maybe an E8 or FA or PA?

I’m considering the frisco meteor 6 car set with a B&O 14-4 sleeper add-on. At this point getting a frisco meteor E7 is a long shot. Can you suggest any other motive power that would pull the train? Maybe an E8 or FA or PA?

The Frisco Meteor will be a cool consist to have. No One has Ever done it. I’ve reserved one plus extras including the B&O 14-4. The B&O car becomes a pool car for my National Ltd. The Frisco 14-4 also becomes a thru sleeper for the Nat consist. Nice to be able to use the cars like this.
Frisco didn’t have PAs but did have FAs. The are primarily freight diesels but I’ve seen pix where they substitute for an ailing E. They are brown and yellow. Eventual Best bet  Will be when 3rd Rail finally gets back and does another E8 run. The Frisco E8s are beautiful.  You’ve some time to decide to reserve a Meteor but Scotts Just posted the engineering drawings and that reservations will close early 2025. I look at this as Q1 until a specific date is posted.
Cheers πŸ˜‰

A FYI update.  
The Tx. Special / Meteor project is moving along nicely. Just finished a Second iteration in the design process - small corrections and additions to the cars. The project is Really Shaping Up Nicely !!!! The interiors have All that you Expect from Scott - and then some. Lots of Correct Roof details and Correct vestibule exterior details no one usually bothers with. And Lots of Coach and 14-4 extras will be available to grow your consist. Nothing in the market will compare to this run !!!!!!!

Right now, this project is in the production Q right after the Prospector. (This could change - it’s Always #s dependent.) Reservations to close β€œearly 2025”.

Cheers πŸ˜‰

@TrainBub posted:

A FYI update.  
The Tx. Special / Meteor project is moving along nicely. Just finished a Second iteration in the design process - small corrections and additions to the cars. The project is Really Shaping Up Nicely !!!! The interiors have All that you Expect from Scott - and then some. Lots of Correct Roof details and Correct vestibule exterior details no one usually bothers with. And Lots of Coach and 14-4 extras will be available to grow your consist. Nothing in the market will compare to this run !!!!!!!

Right now, this project is in the production Q right after the Prospector. (This could change - it’s Always #s dependent.) Reservations to close β€œearly 2025”.

Cheers πŸ˜‰

Still no PRR Run-through cars……

For those interested in a PRR thru-sleeper for the Texas Special, Scott has probably realized the dilemma that project creates from a model making standpoint in terms of prototypical correctness.

The PRR assigned the following cars to the Katy/FriscoTexas Special:

Texas Special Thru-Service Assignment Period: May 16, 1948 to 1950

Paint Scheme: Cardinal Red w/ Stainless Steel Silver w/ Shadowline

Cascade Meadow 10-5 Sleeper

Cascade Range 10-5 Sleeper

Texas Special Thru-Service Assignment Period: 1950 to October 25, 1958

Paint Scheme: 1950 to 5/1953 – Cardinal Red w/ Stainless Steel Silver w/ Shadowline

          5/1953 to 1960 – Red w/ Silver (No Shadowline)

Swatara Rapids 10-6

Tioga Rapids 10-6

For the 10-5 sleepers GGD produced for the 1939 Broadway Ltd, they were modeled after PRR Class PS105, Pullman Std Plan 4072A same as those built for the New York Central Ltd which makes sense so that these models are prototypically correct for at least two railroads.  There were only two PRR 10-5 sleepers built in this class. The other 39 10-5 sleeper cars were PRR Class 105A with two other different floor plans and window arrangements.

For the 10-6 sleepers GGD produced for the 1948 Broadway Ltd, they were modeled after PRR Class 106A, Pullman Std Plan 4129.  The two Rapids series cars assigned to the Texas Spl were Class 106, Pullman Std Plan 4140 which have a slightly different window spacing on the isle side.

With the Katy and Frisco 14-4 sleeper car models having such a high degree of fidelity with the originals such as grab irons to access the roof on the car ends and a roof cover/hatch for the air conditioning ice reservoir (the reason for the grab irons), the question would be if modelers would be willing to overlook the slight inaccuracies of a PRR thru-sleeper as well as which sleeper to model, 10-5 or 10-6 and for the 10-6 which paint scheme?  Again, these inaccuracies may or may not be important to the modeler depending upon their viewpoint.

I am highly impressed with Scott’s work and always grateful to him for his willingness to do his best to fulfill my special requests from time to time so wanted to share why this particular request involves some complications.

As an aside, the two PRR Cascade series cars assigned to the Frisco Meteor with β€œPENNSYLVANIA” at the letterboard location were not the same plan as the 1939 Broadway Ltd model cars as well and were only in the Texas Spl paint scheme from early 1948 to early 1950.

In my opinion, Katy / Frisco 14-4 sleeper cars also ran on the PRR Penn Texas so I'm fine with ordering one of those cars.

If those PRR fans with special interest in modeling thru sleepers that interchanged with the Texas Special and Texas Eagle, the car to lobby for is a model of the "Recreation Lounge" cars that were built by AC&F for the PRR Penn Texas train.  Now that we have MoPac and soon to be MKT/Frisco sleeper cars to model a PRR Penn Texas train such a train is not complete unless you have a recreation lounge car (PRR Class PLC85R, Car Nos. 7300, 7301, 7302).  Better still, add a Falls series 6 bedroom, buffet lounge car.  In place of a second run of the 1948 Broadway Ltd, I'd like to buy a set that models "The Pittsburgher" which was mostly an overnight all-sleeper train between Pittsburgh and New York City.  Similar to the Texas Special, the Pittsburgher sleepers were re-named after prominent Pittsburghers.

@BlueFeather posted:

Looks awesome!  I haven't opened mine yet -- I assume there's a fixed pilot with no coupler in the box?

Regret just scale pilot with opening for kadee 🫒☹️ Surprised me. 😳 I expected closed pilot like in run 1 (see my above β€œempire” pic).   Still, will be better than the huge lobster claw !!!!!!

Last edited by TrainBub

Your E7’s look amazing! I’m on standby to get 1 of the frisco/ Katy E7’s. I’ll probably put in a last minute reservation for the Meteor & the B&O thru sleeper.

Hope you hop on the Meteor reservation train DJ. No one has ever done an O scale Meteor, much less a prototypically correct one !!!!  Miss this one and you might not see another one for a Long time. Don’t forget to add a B&O extra reservation. If you are late/miss with an E7 reservation, let Scott Know you will Want to see E8 run 2 with Frisco included. These engines are beautiful !!!!!! They have Kentucky racehorse names.

@PRR #1 posted:

For those interested in a PRR thru-sleeper for the Texas Special, Scott has probably realized the dilemma that project creates from a model making standpoint in terms of prototypical correctness.

The PRR assigned the following cars to the Katy/FriscoTexas Special:

Texas Special Thru-Service Assignment Period: May 16, 1948 to 1950

Paint Scheme: Cardinal Red w/ Stainless Steel Silver w/ Shadowline

Cascade Meadow 10-5 Sleeper

Cascade Range 10-5 Sleeper

Texas Special Thru-Service Assignment Period: 1950 to October 25, 1958

Paint Scheme: 1950 to 5/1953 – Cardinal Red w/ Stainless Steel Silver w/ Shadowline

          5/1953 to 1960 – Red w/ Silver (No Shadowline)

Swatara Rapids 10-6

Tioga Rapids 10-6

For the 10-5 sleepers GGD produced for the 1939 Broadway Ltd, they were modeled after PRR Class PS105, Pullman Std Plan 4072A same as those built for the New York Central Ltd which makes sense so that these models are prototypically correct for at least two railroads.  There were only two PRR 10-5 sleepers built in this class. The other 39 10-5 sleeper cars were PRR Class 105A with two other different floor plans and window arrangements.

For the 10-6 sleepers GGD produced for the 1948 Broadway Ltd, they were modeled after PRR Class 106A, Pullman Std Plan 4129.  The two Rapids series cars assigned to the Texas Spl were Class 106, Pullman Std Plan 4140 which have a slightly different window spacing on the isle side.

With the Katy and Frisco 14-4 sleeper car models having such a high degree of fidelity with the originals such as grab irons to access the roof on the car ends and a roof cover/hatch for the air conditioning ice reservoir (the reason for the grab irons), the question would be if modelers would be willing to overlook the slight inaccuracies of a PRR thru-sleeper as well as which sleeper to model, 10-5 or 10-6 and for the 10-6 which paint scheme?  Again, these inaccuracies may or may not be important to the modeler depending upon their viewpoint.

I am highly impressed with Scott’s work and always grateful to him for his willingness to do his best to fulfill my special requests from time to time so wanted to share why this particular request involves some complications.

As an aside, the two PRR Cascade series cars assigned to the Frisco Meteor with β€œPENNSYLVANIA” at the letterboard location were not the same plan as the 1939 Broadway Ltd model cars as well and were only in the Texas Spl paint scheme from early 1948 to early 1950.

In my opinion, Katy / Frisco 14-4 sleeper cars also ran on the PRR Penn Texas so I'm fine with ordering one of those cars.

If those PRR fans with special interest in modeling thru sleepers that interchanged with the Texas Special and Texas Eagle, the car to lobby for is a model of the "Recreation Lounge" cars that were built by AC&F for the PRR Penn Texas train.  Now that we have MoPac and soon to be MKT/Frisco sleeper cars to model a PRR Penn Texas train such a train is not complete unless you have a recreation lounge car (PRR Class PLC85R, Car Nos. 7300, 7301, 7302).  Better still, add a Falls series 6 bedroom, buffet lounge car.  In place of a second run of the 1948 Broadway Ltd, I'd like to buy a set that models "The Pittsburgher" which was mostly an overnight all-sleeper train between Pittsburgh and New York City.  Similar to the Texas Special, the Pittsburgher sleepers were re-named after prominent Pittsburghers.

I was thinking that maybe just reuse the PRR sleeper from the Texas Eagle and have it painted up for the Texas Special.

There will be 4 named B&O 14-4 thru sleepers / β€œpool cars” offered as β€œextras” in the GGD Tx. Sp. and Meteor offering. They will be in B&O colors.  These cars can be great additions for a build-it-yourself B&O National Ltd consist running east from St. Louis. These cars undoubtedly found their way onto other B&O routes. It just happens. This is just a nice opportunity for B&O fans to add some nice cars.  

Also note  
MKT and Frisco 14/4s went east on the Nat. Ltd And the Penn Texas.  (I’ve started building a do-it-yourself Penn-Texas consistπŸ€”)

Cheers πŸ˜‰

Last edited by TrainBub
@TrainBub posted:

FYI. Reservations close in 9 days for the 3rd Rail Alco FA offering. The Frisco version IS being done. Fence sitters - Time to step up. 😜😜😜

Cheers  πŸ˜‰

I ordered these right away from Scott when he posted the picture and added them to the order form. I can't wait to get them. I would suggest Frisco F7's. But I am afraid he would add those also. I need time to pay for the Mopac and Frisco FA's and now the Rio Grande Prospector. I hope the F7's will not be a filler project right behind the FA's


@Blue Streak posted:

I ordered these right away from Scott when he posted the picture and added them to the order form. I can't wait to get them. I would suggest Frisco F7's. But I am afraid he would add those also. I need time to pay for the Mopac and Frisco FA's and now the Rio Grande Prospector. I hope the F7's will not be a filler project right behind the FA's


Glad you are onboard with the Frisco FAs. F7s are So New - the #s won’t be there for awhile. FA now then Probably Amtrak. Then maybe GP 30s. All bets change if the F7 numbers go crazy.  
Hope you are in for a Meteor or Frisco Tx. Sp.  Don’t forget the Frisco heavyweights coaches.  I’m trying to get Frisco heavyweight sleepers added too.
Cheers πŸ˜‰


Since you are on the inside. What I want to know before I add any more extra add on cars to my order are the cars names (especially the 14-4's) that are in the 8 cars set and what are the extra cars names being made. This is mainly directed at the MKT set as the 14-4's had names mainly referencing the defenders of The Alamo or associated battles. The MKT 14-4's were 1500 James W. Fannin, 1501 Mirabeau B. Lamar, 1502 William B. Travis, 1503 David Crockett, 1504 James Bowie, 1505 James B. Bonham, 1506 Amon B. King. I would also be interested in the Frisco 14-4's and Coaches as I am ordering some to mix into the MKT set. I also ordered the Meteor set to run behind my Frisco E7. Like your two Texas Special Frisco's above, I ordered and received the two MKT Texas Special engines. Love them


@TrainBub posted:

Glad you are onboard with the Frisco FAs. F7s are So New - the #s won’t be there for awhile. FA now then Probably Amtrak. Then maybe GP 30s. All bets change if the F7 numbers go crazy.  
Hope you are in for a Meteor or Frisco Tx. Sp.  Don’t forget the Frisco heavyweights coaches.  I’m trying to get Frisco heavyweight sleepers added too.
Cheers πŸ˜‰

Do you know if the Texas & Pacific sleepers will be Eagle colors or Green? Yes I have been putting an order together for these. Mainly T&P, Mopac and Frisco. I will be adding green T&P coaches and some Pullman sleepers for the Green T&P cars I received 4 or 5 years ago.

@Blue Streak posted:

Do you know if the Texas & Pacific sleepers will be Eagle colors or Green? Yes I have been putting an order together for these. Mainly T&P, Mopac and Frisco. I will be adding green T&P coaches and some Pullman sleepers for the Green T&P cars I received 4 or 5 years ago.

T&P, MP, and Frisco (I contribute on these 3) can all be prewar green or the later jazzed up paint schemes. I haven’t reviewed my notes on this lately but May return to them soon as the heavyweight reservations are improving.
I think T&P prewar coach will stay green, postwar probably Eagle paint. It’s possible for one sleeper to go green and the other Eagle paint. These sleepers went into Mexico on the Aztec Eagle.
MP coaches will probably both go Eagle scheme. The sleepers probably Eagle also.

Let Scott know your Preferences !!!!!

Frisco coaches will be green.
No sleepers are offered yet but I try to get them offered. They would be red and silver with smooth sides - no shadow lining.  There are only a Few.

NdeM coaches will all be pre war. I think some can be first class, some second class - just decal differences.
Sleepers - painted just like the coaches - green with orange stripe. All these NdeM cars are appropriate for an Aztec Eagle consist.  

Let Scott know your preferences !!!!! Nothing is set in stone yet.

Cheers πŸ˜‰

@TrainBub posted:

T&P, MP, and Frisco (I contribute on these 3) can all be prewar green or the later jazzed up paint schemes. I haven’t reviewed my notes on this lately but May return to them soon as the heavyweight reservations are improving.
I think T&P prewar coach will stay green, postwar probably Eagle paint. It’s possible for one sleeper to go green and the other Eagle paint. These sleepers went into Mexico on the Aztec Eagle.
MP coaches will probably both go Eagle scheme. The sleepers probably Eagle also.

Let Scott know your Preferences !!!!!

Frisco coaches will be green.
No sleepers are offered yet but I try to get them offered. They would be red and silver with smooth sides - no shadow lining.  There are only a Few.

NdeM coaches will all be pre war. I think some can be first class, some second class - just decal differences.
Sleepers - painted just like the coaches - green with orange stripe. All these NdeM cars are appropriate for an Aztec Eagle consist.  

Let Scott know your preferences !!!!! Nothing is set in stone yet.

Cheers πŸ˜‰

Yes I am not sure if the sleepers were ever green ( I can't find any pictures). I know that Pullman was broke up via the Government in 1944. Not sure how long it took to sell the sleepers to the railroads. The Streamlined Texas Eagle started in 1948 and I am not sure how quickly all the cars were painted into the Eagle scheme.  I was going to get two Pullman 12-1's for the Green Coaches and green T&P other cars to play it safe and also to run in my troop train with the Atlas troop sleepers. I know they should be tourist pullman cars (16 sections) for the troop train, but this is as close as I can get, I think. I am in for some T&P Green Coaches, one or two Mopac/T&P Eagle coaches and both T&P sleepers. Plus 2 Frisco Coaches, leaning towards the post war roofs.

Are you going to be working out the car names in the Texas Special sets / extra cars? or is that a Jonathan question.


@Blue Streak posted:


Since you are on the inside. What I want to know before I add any more extra add on cars to my order are the cars names (especially the 14-4's) that are in the 8 cars set and what are the extra cars names being made. This is mainly directed at the MKT set as the 14-4's had names mainly referencing the defenders of The Alamo or associated battles. The MKT 14-4's were 1500 James W. Fannin, 1501 Mirabeau B. Lamar, 1502 William B. Travis, 1503 David Crockett, 1504 James Bowie, 1505 James B. Bonham, 1506 Amon B. King. I would also be interested in the Frisco 14-4's and Coaches as I am ordering some to mix into the MKT set. I also ordered the Meteor set to run behind my Frisco E7. Like your two Texas Special Frisco's above, I ordered and received the two MKT Texas Special engines. Love them


Hi Joe,    
I’ve lived most of my life in either Texas or Missouri so I’m very familiar with the people and place names in the offering. What I can say is Almost Every car name was submitted to be used. Names used in the sets will not be used as extras.  

The Texas Special MKT cars are Very Texas-centric. Only the coaches have a couple of OK cities from the route.

The Tx. Sp. Frisco cars are ALL Missouri-centric.  

The Frisco Meteor is Very Missouri-centric,  the exceptions being the observation car and the 14-4 River cars that evenly split names between Missouri and Oklahoma rivers.  

Understand - Scott makes All the final car name decisions. I believe all the extra car names are Really Great. (IMHO of course). This offering of these 3 consists will be the most Prototypical ever done.  

Cheers πŸ˜‰

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