Using another transformer with the Z controller could be done if a few considerations are understood and implemented. Before getting into those, please help me understand what benefits are expected by using a Z Controller with an already variable output transformer?
Some of the older Lionel, vary the output voltage....only. Which requires a lowering of the voltage to change direction in "standard" operation no reverse button on the transformer. They also have, continuously "on" taps that supply 15 v. Inserting any controller into the variable output allows directional stop/change for the train, and turns the continuous output into a variable, with the rev button advantage. (and a horn button thinking about it now.)
I do not intend to do either of the above, but looking at a spare Z yesterday, prompted the question, in the event that someone wanted to use the Z for either purpose. I can see someone running a train with the variable, and using the Z to vary the voltage on the accessory tap of the transformer....or vise vesa if they wanted the advantage of the reverse and the horn button on that channel/output. More of a question for information, born from curiosity.
EDITED: I just read on another thread, it was posted that there is a"Z controller for the 750 brick which lowers output from 21v to 18v," and I am guessing, a Z controller for the 100 brick, which I assume does NOT lower the 18v output of it!! From Vernon.
Thanks, Greg