The Detroit Model Railroad Club • 2 Rail Scale
MTH 3.0 Premier - is now the most popular loco on the club layout, we can run them at home on a 3 - Rail Layout using MTH / DCS or at the club on a Scale, 2-Rail Layout using DCC. Must have scale wheels and remove the pick up rollers on 2 - rail scale.
Add Kadee Couplers, Metal
We use the following, to operate MTH 3.0 Primer locos with DCC. • Engine Driver for a Smart Device and WiThrottle for a iPhone or iPad.
Check out these links for, using MTH / DCC with WiFi
Apple Device •
Smart Device •
or use a hand held •
Below is page 73 of The MTH Catalog / 2016 Vol. 2 / This explains how it works.
Hope this helps - Gary