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Good morning,

I recently purchased a MTH Imperial Pennsy L1 Mikado Part # 30-1641-1 from my local hobby shop approximately a month ago.

I have only operated this engine a few times and the last time I operated the engine I had the engine sitting in a siding and just trying to be prototypical I turned off the headlight but left all the marker lights on while the engine sat on the siding as another train passed.


I don't recall doing anything else to this engine other than shutting it down with the handheld and shutting off the power to the rest of the layout (normal operating procedure for me.


Last night I went down to the layout and thought I would run some trains, my stress release !!!!

I went to startup the L1 to move it out of the siding it was sitting on and I noticed the headlight was not on.


I am operating my layout with DCS so I simply pushed the headlight button on the hand held to turn the headlight on and nothing happen.

The wording comes up on the screen of the handheld HEADLIGHT ON, next push of the button HEADLIGHT OFF


All functions on this engine will work properly and all lights other than the headlight can be turned on and off.

When in reverse the reverse light on the tender comes on.


I have tried turning the headlight on when the engine is sitting still and also tried turning the headlight on with the engine in motion.


I scrolled thru the soft keys on the hand held to the word MORE came up and then went thru this menu and there are no other features to turn the headlight on or off.


I also moved the engine to my program track and tried a factory reset.


Once the reset was finished, I reentered the engine into the engine list on the remote.

Still no headlight and again everything other than the headlight functions correctly.


I checked the headlights on my remaining PS2 and PS3 engines and I can turn the headlight on and off with the handheld so I am leaning more to either a bad bulb which is a factory LED or a wiring connection.


Other than turning off the headlight with the handheld the last time the engine was operated I can't think of anything or any changes I may have done to cause the headlight not to come back on this engine.


Any thoughts on this problem would be appreciated


Thanks in advance !!!!


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Good morning GGG, today since it so rainy here in the East decided to go down stairs and runs some trains including the MTH Imperial L1 Mikado.


Using DCS Remote I started the engine and noticed a small wif of smoke from the headlight area.


I shut the engine down and then shut down the power to the track and removed the engine from the layout.


Upon examination while the engine was in a engine cradle I noticed that under the headlight mount there are two small philip head screws.


"Curiosity got the best of me"


Upon removing these two screws you could see the headlight assembly pushing out from the engine shell.

The headlight bracket screws removed from the engine shell, I noticed a tiny burnt spot in the red wire going to the head light.


I think I found my problem.


MTH has shrink wrap on the wires but it looks like it could be about a 1/4" longer.

This would help protect the wires as the enter the engine shell.

I think this would solve this issue.


Looking at the headlight assembly closer I can't see where the headlight housing comes apart to remove the wiring and headlight bulb.


Is this possibly all one assembly ???


I reassembled everything and you can see the wires are rubbing hard in this area.

May need to enlarge the hole in the engine shell to help relieve the pressure on the wiring when everything is reassembled with a replacement headlight.


Any thoughts ?

Thanks in advance !!




Just an FYI, assuming that this  is a PS3 engine. If not, substitute "bulb" for "LED"...


I hope that I'm wrong, however, if there was a short, you may have blown the headlight FET on the PS3 board. If so, this could have sent track voltage to the headlight LED and burned it out.


If you put another LED in to replace this one, turn up track power slowly. If the LED starts to glow as soon as track power starts to come on, stop immediately and get the board repaired or, more likely, replaced. I don't know if it would be the PS3 tender board or the boiler board that would need to be replaced.

Good afternoon Barry and Gregg, thanks for the replies.


Yes, Barry it is a MTH Imperial Pennsy L1 Mikado with PS3 Item #30-1641-1 equipped with an LED headlight.


Since you mentioned this, the headlight on this engine is really bright for a Steam locomotive.

I just felt this is the way the newer MTH engines with the LED were.

Be truthful with you I would prefer a more dimmer yellowish light for a steam engine.


Yes, Gregg I did a Feature Reset but had no luck.

Just feeling the wire with my fingers at the damaged area, the wire feels very pliable (insulation only), I believe the wire is burned off.


Although the engine is under warranty I am planning on taking it to the individual that does all my MTH repairs and I will pay him for this repair so I will print of these suggestions and show them to him.


Again "thanks" to both of you for your expertise and insight on this issue.

Barry and Gregg, I did not mean to offend anyone with my last post.


I just wanted to clarify the problem is only the headlight and all the other lighting and operating functions has not been affected.


Just trying to put as much information out there so it helps people like yourselves understand the problem as clearly as possible.


Apologize again for the confusion. 

Refining the above-described bug, after turning smoke off, when all the lights Barry mentions go off, with much persistence they can usually each be turned back on, one-at-a-time. 


"I am planning on taking it to the individual that does all my MTH repairs and I will pay him for this repair."


Given what GGG & BB have said above, you might be letting yourself in for considerable expense.  Personally, I'd check the LED and the wiring, and if they're ok, I'd send it to MTH.

Last edited by RJR
Originally Posted by MarkStrittmatter:

Barry and Gregg, I did not mean to offend anyone with my last post.


I just wanted to clarify the problem is only the headlight and all the other lighting and operating functions has not been affected.


Just trying to put as much information out there so it helps people like yourselves understand the problem as clearly as possible.


Apologize again for the confusion. 

You certainly didn't offend me. no need to apologize... . . I think Barry was making the point that more than the head light goes out with the  dcs  bug.  He's right, this seems like a burnt out  led or bulb and  not quite an easy fix. 

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